Source code for pyTSEB.meteo_utils

# This file is part of pyTSEB for calculating the meteorolgical variables
# Copyright 2016 Hector Nieto and contributors listed in the file.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Created on Apr 6 2015
@author: Hector Nieto (

Modified on feb 3 2016
@author: Hector Nieto (

This package contains functions for estimating meteorological variables needed
in resistance energy balance models.

* :func:`calc_c_p` Heat capacity of air at constant pressure.
* :func:`calc_lambda(T_A_K)` Latent heat of vaporization.
* :func:`calc_pressure` Barometric pressure.
* :func:`calc_psicr` Psicrometric constant.
* :func:`calc_rho` Density of air.
* :func:`calc_stephan_boltzmann` Stephan-Boltzmann law for blackbody radiation emission.
* :func:`calc_theta_s` Sun Zenith Angle.
* :func:`calc_sun_angles` Sun Zenith and Azimuth Angles.
* :func:`calc_vapor_pressure` Saturation water vapour pressure.
* :func:`calc_delta_vapor_pressure` Slope of saturation water vapour pressure.
* :func:`calc_mixing_ratio` Ration of mass of water vapour to mass of dry air.
* :func:`calc_lapse_rate_moist` Moist-adiabatic lapse rate.
* :func:`flux_2_evaporation` Evaporation rate.

import numpy as np

# ==============================================================================
# List of constants used in Meteorological computations
# ==============================================================================
# Stephan Boltzmann constant (W m-2 K-4)
sb = 5.670373e-8
# heat capacity of dry air at constant pressure (J kg-1 K-1)
c_pd = 1003.5
# heat capacity of water vapour at constant pressure (J kg-1 K-1)
c_pv = 1865
# ratio of the molecular weight of water vapor to dry air
epsilon = 0.622
# Psicrometric Constant kPa K-1
psicr = 0.0658
# gas constant for dry air, J/(kg*degK)
R_d = 287.04
# acceleration of gravity (m s-2)
g = 9.8

[docs]def calc_c_p(p, ea): ''' Calculates the heat capacity of air at constant pressure. Parameters ---------- p : float total air pressure (dry air + water vapour) (mb). ea : float water vapor pressure at reference height above canopy (mb). Returns ------- c_p : heat capacity of (moist) air at constant pressure (J kg-1 K-1). References ---------- based on equation (6.1) from Maarten Ambaum (2010): Thermal Physics of the Atmosphere (pp 109).''' # first calculate specific humidity, rearanged eq (5.22) from Maarten # Ambaum (2010), (pp 100) q = epsilon * ea / (p + (epsilon - 1.0) * ea) # then the heat capacity of (moist) air c_p = (1.0 - q) * c_pd + q * c_pv return np.asarray(c_p)
[docs]def calc_lambda(T_A_K): '''Calculates the latent heat of vaporization. Parameters ---------- T_A_K : float Air temperature (Kelvin). Returns ------- Lambda : float Latent heat of vaporisation (J kg-1). References ---------- based on Eq. 3-1 Allen FAO98 ''' Lambda = 1e6 * (2.501 - (2.361e-3 * (T_A_K - 273.15))) return np.asarray(Lambda)
[docs]def calc_pressure(z): ''' Calculates the barometric pressure above sea level. Parameters ---------- z: float height above sea level (m). Returns ------- p: float air pressure (mb).''' p = 1013.25 * (1.0 - 2.225577e-5 * z)**5.25588 return np.asarray(p)
[docs]def calc_psicr(c_p, p, Lambda): ''' Calculates the psicrometric constant. Parameters ---------- c_p : float heat capacity of (moist) air at constant pressure (J kg-1 K-1). p : float atmopheric pressure (mb). Lambda : float latent heat of vaporzation (J kg-1). Returns ------- psicr : float Psicrometric constant (mb C-1).''' psicr = c_p * p / (epsilon * Lambda) return np.asarray(psicr)
[docs]def calc_rho(p, ea, T_A_K): '''Calculates the density of air. Parameters ---------- p : float total air pressure (dry air + water vapour) (mb). ea : float water vapor pressure at reference height above canopy (mb). T_A_K : float air temperature at reference height (Kelvin). Returns ------- rho : float density of air (kg m-3). References ---------- based on equation (2.6) from Brutsaert (2005): Hydrology - An Introduction (pp 25).''' # p is multiplied by 100 to convert from mb to Pascals rho = ((p * 100.0) / (R_d * T_A_K)) * (1.0 - (1.0 - epsilon) * ea / p) return np.asarray(rho)
[docs]def calc_rho_w(T_K): """ density of air-free water ata pressure of 101.325kPa :param T_K: :return: density of water (kg m-3) """ t = T_K - 273.15 # Temperature in Celsius rho_w = (999.83952 + 16.945176 * t - 7.9870401e-3 * t**2 - 46.170461e-6 * t**3 + 105.56302e-9 * t**4 - 280.54253e-12 * t**5) / (1 + 16.897850e-3 * t) return rho_w
[docs]def calc_stephan_boltzmann(T_K): '''Calculates the total energy radiated by a blackbody. Parameters ---------- T_K : float body temperature (Kelvin) Returns ------- M : float Emitted radiance (W m-2)''' M = sb * T_K**4 return np.asarray(M)
[docs]def calc_theta_s(xlat, xlong, stdlng, doy, year, ftime): """Calculates the Sun Zenith Angle (SZA). Parameters ---------- xlat : float latitude of the site (degrees). xlong : float longitude of the site (degrees). stdlng : float central longitude of the time zone of the site (degrees). doy : float day of year of measurement (1-366). year : float year of measurement . ftime : float time of measurement (decimal hours). Returns ------- theta_s : float Sun Zenith Angle (degrees). References ---------- Adopted from Martha Anderson's fortran code for ALEXI which in turn was based on Cupid. """ pid180 = np.pi / 180 pid2 = np.pi / 2.0 # Latitude computations xlat = np.radians(xlat) sinlat = np.sin(xlat) coslat = np.cos(xlat) # Declination computations kday = (year - 1977.0) * 365.0 + doy + 28123.0 xm = np.radians(-1.0 + 0.9856 * kday) delnu = (2.0 * 0.01674 * np.sin(xm) + 1.25 * 0.01674 * 0.01674 * np.sin(2.0 * xm)) slong = np.radians((-79.8280 + 0.9856479 * kday)) + delnu decmax = np.sin(np.radians(23.44)) decl = np.arcsin(decmax * np.sin(slong)) sindec = np.sin(decl) cosdec = np.cos(decl) eqtm = 9.4564 * np.sin(2.0 * slong) / cosdec - 4.0 * delnu / pid180 eqtm = eqtm / 60.0 # Get sun zenith angle timsun = ftime # MODIS time is already solar time hrang = (timsun - 12.0) * pid2 / 6.0 theta_s = np.arccos(sinlat * sindec + coslat * cosdec * np.cos(hrang)) # if the sun is below the horizon just set it slightly above horizon theta_s = np.minimum(theta_s, pid2 - 0.0000001) theta_s = np.degrees(theta_s) return np.asarray(theta_s)
[docs]def calc_sun_angles(lat, lon, stdlon, doy, ftime): """Calculates the Sun Zenith and Azimuth Angles (SZA & SAA). Parameters ---------- lat : float latitude of the site (degrees). long : float longitude of the site (degrees). stdlng : float central longitude of the time zone of the site (degrees). doy : float day of year of measurement (1-366). ftime : float time of measurement (decimal hours). Returns ------- sza : float Sun Zenith Angle (degrees). saa : float Sun Azimuth Angle (degrees). """ lat, lon, stdlon, doy, ftime = map( np.asarray, (lat, lon, stdlon, doy, ftime)) # Calculate declination declination = 0.409 * np.sin((2.0 * np.pi * doy / 365.0) - 1.39) EOT = (0.258 * np.cos(declination) - 7.416 * np.sin(declination) - 3.648 * np.cos(2.0 * declination) - 9.228 * np.sin(2.0 * declination)) LC = (stdlon - lon) / 15. time_corr = (-EOT / 60.) + LC solar_time = ftime - time_corr # Get the hour angle w = np.asarray((solar_time - 12.0) * 15.) # Get solar elevation angle sin_thetha = (np.cos(np.radians(w)) * np.cos(declination) * np.cos(np.radians(lat)) + np.sin(declination) * np.sin(np.radians(lat))) sun_elev = np.arcsin(sin_thetha) # Get solar zenith angle sza = np.pi / 2.0 - sun_elev sza = np.asarray(np.degrees(sza)) # Get solar azimuth angle cos_phi = np.asarray( (np.sin(declination) * np.cos(np.radians(lat)) - np.cos(np.radians(w)) * np.cos(declination) * np.sin(np.radians(lat))) / np.cos(sun_elev)) saa = np.zeros(sza.shape) saa[w <= 0.0] = np.degrees(np.arccos(cos_phi[w <= 0.0])) saa[w > 0.0] = 360. - np.degrees(np.arccos(cos_phi[w > 0.0])) return np.asarray(sza), np.asarray(saa)
[docs]def calc_vapor_pressure(T_K): """Calculate the saturation water vapour pressure. Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature (K). Returns ------- ea : float saturation water vapour pressure (mb). """ T_C = T_K - 273.15 ea = 6.112 * np.exp((17.67 * T_C) / (T_C + 243.5)) return np.asarray(ea)
[docs]def calc_delta_vapor_pressure(T_K): """Calculate the slope of saturation water vapour pressure. Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature (K). Returns ------- s : float slope of the saturation water vapour pressure (kPa K-1) """ T_C = T_K - 273.15 s = 4098.0 * (0.6108 * np.exp(17.27 * T_C / (T_C + 237.3))) / ((T_C + 237.3)**2) return np.asarray(s)
[docs]def calc_mixing_ratio(ea, p): '''Calculate ratio of mass of water vapour to the mass of dry air (-) Parameters ---------- ea : float or numpy array water vapor pressure at reference height (mb). p : float or numpy array total air pressure (dry air + water vapour) at reference height (mb). Returns ------- r : float or numpy array mixing ratio (-) References ----------''' r = epsilon * ea / (p - ea) return r
[docs]def calc_lapse_rate_moist(T_A_K, ea, p): '''Calculate moist-adiabatic lapse rate (K/m) Parameters ---------- T_A_K : float or numpy array air temperature at reference height (K). ea : float or numpy array water vapor pressure at reference height (mb). p : float or numpy array total air pressure (dry air + water vapour) at reference height (mb). Returns ------- Gamma_w : float or numpy array moist-adiabatic lapse rate (K/m) References ----------''' r = calc_mixing_ratio(ea, p) c_p = calc_c_p(p, ea) lambda_v = calc_lambda(T_A_K) Gamma_w = ((g * (R_d * T_A_K**2 + lambda_v * r * T_A_K) / (c_p * R_d * T_A_K**2 + lambda_v**2 * r * epsilon))) return Gamma_w
[docs]def flux_2_evaporation(flux, t_k=20 + 273.15, time_domain=1): '''Converts heat flux units (W m-2) to evaporation rates (mm time-1) to a given temporal window Parameters ---------- flux : float or numpy array heat flux value to be converted, usually refers to latent heat flux LE to be converted to ET T_K : float or numpy array environmental temperature in Kelvin. Default=20 Celsius time_domain : float Temporal window in hours. Default 1 hour (mm h-1) Returns ------- et : float or numpy array evaporation rate at the time_domain. Default mm h-1 ''' # Calculate latent heat of vaporization lambda_ = calc_lambda(t_k) # J kg-1 # Density of water rho_w = calc_rho_w(t_k) # kg m-3 et = flux / (rho_w * lambda_) # m s-1 # Convert instantaneous rate to the time_domain rate et = et * 1e3 * time_domain * 3600. # mm return et