Source code for pyTSEB.TSEB

# This file is part of pyTSEB for running different TSEB models
# Copyright 2016 Hector Nieto and contributors listed in the file.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Created on Apr 6 2015
@author: Hector Nieto (

Modified on Jan 27 2016
@author: Hector Nieto (

This package contains the main routines inherent of Two Source Energy Balance `TSEB` models.
Additional functions needed in TSEB, such as computing of net radiation or estimating the
resistances to heat and momentum transport are imported.

* :doc:`net_radiation` for the estimation of net radiation and radiation partitioning.
* :doc:`clumping_index` for the estimatio of canopy clumping index.
* :doc:`meteo_utils` for the estimation of meteorological variables.
* :doc:`resistances` for the estimation of the resistances to heat and momentum transport.
* :doc:`MO_similarity` for the estimation of the Monin-Obukhov length and MOST-related variables.
* :doc:`wind_profile` for the estimation of wind attenuation profile


TSEB models
* :func:`TSEB_2T` TSEB using derived/measured canopy and soil component temperatures.
* :func:`TSEB_PT` Priestley-Taylor TSEB using a
                  single observation of composite radiometric temperature.
* :func:`DTD` Dual-Time Differenced TSEB using composite radiometric temperatures at two times:
              early morning and near afternoon.

OSEB models
* :func:`OSEB`. One Source Energy Balance Model.

Ancillary functions
* :func:`calc_F_theta_campbell`. Gap fraction estimation.
* :func:`calc_G_time_diff`. Santanello & Friedl (2003) [Santanello2003]_ soil heat flux model.
* :func:`calc_G_ratio`. Soil heat flux as a fixed fraction of net radiation [Choudhury1987]_.
* :func:`calc_H_C`. canopy sensible heat flux in a parallel resistance network.
* :func:`calc_H_C_PT`. Priestley- Taylor Canopy sensible heat flux.
* :func:`calc_H_DTD_parallel`. Priestley- Taylor Canopy sensible
                               heat flux for DTD and resistances in parallel.
* :func:`calc_H_DTD_series`. Priestley- Taylor Canopy sensible heat flux
                             for DTD and resistances in series.
* :func:`calc_H_S`. Soil heat flux with resistances in parallel.
* :func:`calc_T_C`. Canopy temperature form composite radiometric temperature.
* :func:`calc_T_C_series.` Canopy temperature from canopy sensible
                           heat flux and resistance in series.
* :func:`calc_T_CS_Norman`. Component temperatures from dual angle
                            composite radiometric temperatures.
* :func:`calc_T_CS_4SAIL`. Component temperatures from dual angle composite radiometric tempertures.
                           Using 4SAIl for the inversion.
* :func:`calc_4SAIL_emission_param`. Effective surface reflectance, and emissivities for soil and
                                     canopy using 4SAIL.
* :func:`calc_T_S`. Soil temperature from form composite radiometric temperature.
* :func:`calc_T_S_series`. Soil temperature from soil sensible heat flux and resistance in series.

from collections import deque
import time

import numpy as np
from pyPro4Sail.FourSAIL import FourSAIL

from . import meteo_utils as met
from . import resistances as res
from . import MO_similarity as MO
from . import net_radiation as rad
from . import clumping_index as CI
from . import wind_profile as wnd

# ==============================================================================
# List of constants used in TSEB model and sub-routines
# ==============================================================================
# Threshold for relative change in Monin-Obukhov lengh to stop the iterations
L_thres = 0.001
# mimimun allowed friction velocity
U_S_MIN = 0.4
# Maximum number of interations
# kB coefficient
KB_1_DEFAULT = 0.0
# Stephan Boltzmann constant (W m-2 K-4)
SB = 5.670373e-8

# Resistance formulation constants

# Soil heat flux formulation constants

# Flag constants
F_ALL_FLUXES = 0  # All fluxes produced with no reduction of PT parameter (i.e. positive soil evaporation)
F_ZERO_LE_C = 1  # Negative canopy latent heat flux, forced to zero
F_ZERO_H_C = 2  # Negative canopy sensible heat flux, forced to zero
F_ZERO_LE_S = 3  # Negative soil evaporation, forced to zero (the PT parameter is reduced in TSEB-PT and DTD)
F_ZERO_H_S = 4  # Negative soil sensible heat flux, forced to zero
F_ZERO_LE = 5  # No positive latent fluxes found, G recomputed to close the energy balance (G=Rn-H)
F_ALL_FLUXES_OS = 10  # All positive fluxes for soil only, produced using one-source energy balance (OSEB) model.
F_ZERO_LE_OS = 15  # No positive latent fluxes found using OSEB, G recomputed to close the energy balance (G=Rn-H)
F_INVALID = 255  # Arithmetic error. BAD data, it should be discarded

[docs]def TSEB_2T(T_C, T_S, T_A_K, u, ea, p, Sn_C, Sn_S, L_dn, LAI, h_C, emis_C, emis_S, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z_T, leaf_width=0.1, z0_soil=0.01, alpha_PT=1.26, x_LAD=1.0, f_c=1.0, f_g=1.0, w_C=1.0, resistance_form=None, calcG_params=None, const_L=None, kB=KB_1_DEFAULT): """ TSEB using component canopy and soil temperatures. Calculates the turbulent fluxes by the Two Source Energy Balance model using canopy and soil component temperatures that were derived or measured previously. Parameters ---------- T_S : float Soil Temperature (Kelvin). T_C : float Canopy Temperature (Kelvin). T_A_K : float Air temperature (Kelvin). u : float Wind speed above the canopy (m s-1). ea : float Water vapour pressure above the canopy (mb). p : float Atmospheric pressure (mb), use 1013 mb by default. Sn_C : float Canopy net shortwave radiation (W m-2). Sn_S : float Soil net shortwave radiation (W m-2). L_dn : float Downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2) LAI : float Effective Leaf Area Index (m2 m-2). h_C : float Canopy height (m). z_0M : float Aerodynamic surface roughness length for momentum transfer (m). d_0 : float Zero-plane displacement height (m). z_u : float Height of measurement of windspeed (m). z_T : float Height of measurement of air temperature (m). leaf_width : float, optional average/effective leaf width (m). z0_soil : float, optional bare soil aerodynamic roughness length (m). alpha_PT : float, optional Priestley Taylor coeffient for canopy potential transpiration, use 1.26 by default. resistance_form : int, optional Flag to determine which Resistances R_x, R_S model to use. * 0 [Default] Norman et al 1995 and Kustas et al 1999. * 1 : Choudhury and Monteith 1988. * 2 : McNaughton and Van der Hurk 1995. calcG_params : list[list,float or array], optional Method to calculate soil heat flux,parameters. * [[1],G_ratio]: default, estimate G as a ratio of Rn_S, default Gratio=0.35. * [[0],G_constant] : Use a constant G, usually use 0 to ignore the computation of G. * [[2,Amplitude,phase_shift,shape],time] : estimate G from Santanello and Friedl with G_param list of parameters (see :func:`~TSEB.calc_G_time_diff`). const_L : float or None, optional If included, its value will be used to force the Moning-Obukhov stability length. Returns ------- flag : int Quality flag, see Appendix for description. T_AC : float Air temperature at the canopy interface (Kelvin). LE_C : float Canopy latent heat flux (W m-2). H_C : float Canopy sensible heat flux (W m-2). LE_S : float Soil latent heat flux (W m-2). H_S : float Soil sensible heat flux (W m-2). G : float Soil heat flux (W m-2). R_S : float Soil aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). R_x : float Bulk canopy aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). R_A : float Aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). u_friction : float Friction velocity (m s-1). L : float Monin-Obuhkov length (m). n_iterations : int number of iterations until convergence of L. References ---------- .. [Kustas1997] Kustas, W. P., and J. M. Norman (1997), A two-source approach for estimating turbulent fluxes using multiple angle thermal infrared observations, Water Resour. Res., 33(6), 1495-1508, """ if resistance_form is None: resistance_form = [0, {}] if calcG_params is None: calcG_params = [[1], 0.35] # Convert float scalars into numpy arrays and check parameters size T_C = np.asarray(T_C) [T_S, T_A_K, u, ea, p, Sn_C, Sn_S, L_dn, LAI, h_C, emis_C, emis_S, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z_T, leaf_width, z0_soil, alpha_PT, x_LAD, f_c, f_g, w_C, calcG_array] = map(_check_default_parameter_size, [T_S, T_A_K, u, ea, p, Sn_C, Sn_S, L_dn, LAI, h_C, emis_C, emis_S, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z_T, leaf_width, z0_soil, alpha_PT, x_LAD, f_c, f_g, w_C, calcG_params[1]], [T_C] * 24) res_params = resistance_form[1] resistance_form = resistance_form[0] # calcG_params[1] = None # Create the output variables [flag, Ln_S, Ln_C, LE_C, H_C, LE_S, H_S, G, R_S, R_x, R_A, iterations] = [np.zeros(T_S.shape, np.float32)+np.NaN for i in range(12)] T_AC = T_A_K.copy() # iteration of the Monin-Obukhov length if const_L is None: # Initially assume stable atmospheric conditions and set variables for L = np.asarray(np.zeros(T_S.shape) + np.inf) max_iterations = ITERATIONS else: # We force Monin-Obukhov lenght to the provided array/value L = np.asarray(np.ones(T_S.shape) * const_L) max_iterations = 1 # No iteration # Calculate the general parameters rho = met.calc_rho(p, ea, T_A_K) # Air density c_p = met.calc_c_p(p, ea) # Heat capacity of air z_0H = res.calc_z_0H(z_0M, kB=kB) # Roughness length for heat transport # Calculate LAI dependent parameters for dataset where LAI > 0 F = np.asarray(LAI / f_c) # Real LAI # Calculate LAI dependent parameters for dataset where LAI > 0 omega0 = CI.calc_omega0_Kustas(LAI, f_c, x_LAD=x_LAD, isLAIeff=True) # And the net longwave radiation Ln_C, Ln_S = rad.calc_L_n_Campbell(T_C, T_S, L_dn, LAI, emis_C, emis_S, x_LAD=x_LAD) # Compute Net Radiation Rn_S = Sn_S + Ln_S Rn_C = Sn_C + Ln_C Rn = Rn_S + Rn_C # Compute Soil Heat Flux i = np.ones(Rn_S.shape, dtype=bool) G[i] = calc_G([calcG_params[0], calcG_array], Rn_S, i) # iteration of the Monin-Obukhov length u_friction = MO.calc_u_star(u, z_u, L, d_0, z_0M) u_friction = np.asarray(np.maximum(U_FRICTION_MIN, u_friction)) L_old = np.ones(T_C.shape) L_diff = np.asarray(np.ones(T_C.shape) * np.inf) # Outer loop for estimating stability. # Stops when difference in consecutives L is below a given threshold for n_iterations in range(max_iterations): if np.all(L_diff < L_thres): print(f"Finished iteration with a max. L diff: {np.max(L_diff)}") break print(f"Iteration {n_iterations}, max. L diff: {np.max(L_diff)}") i = np.logical_and(L_diff >= L_thres, flag != F_INVALID) iterations[i] = n_iterations flag[i] = F_ALL_FLUXES # Calculate aerodynamic resistances R_A[i], R_x[i], R_S[i] = calc_resistances( resistance_form, {"R_A": {"z_T": z_T[i], "u_friction": u_friction[i], "L": L[i], "d_0": d_0[i], "z_0H": z_0H[i]}, "R_x": {"u_friction": u_friction[i], "h_C": h_C[i], "d_0": d_0[i], "z_0M": z_0M[i], "L": L[i], "F": F[i], "LAI": LAI[i], "leaf_width": leaf_width[i], "res_params": {k: res_params[k][i] for k in res_params.keys()}}, "R_S": {"u_friction": u_friction[i], "h_C": h_C[i], "d_0": d_0[i], "z_0M": z_0M[i], "L": L[i], "F": F[i], "omega0": omega0[i], "LAI": LAI[i], "leaf_width": leaf_width[i], "z0_soil": z0_soil[i], "z_u": z_u[i], "deltaT": T_S[i] - T_AC[i], 'u': u[i], 'rho': rho[i], "c_p": c_p[i], "f_cover": f_c[i], "w_C": w_C[i], "res_params": {k: res_params[k][i] for k in res_params.keys()}} }) # Compute air temperature at the canopy interface T_AC[i] = ((T_A_K[i] / R_A[i] + T_S[i] / R_S[i] + T_C[i] / R_x[i]) / (1 / R_A[i] + 1 / R_S[i] + 1 / R_x[i])) T_AC = np.asarray(np.maximum(1e-3, T_AC)) # Calculate canopy sensible heat flux (Norman et al 1995) H_C[i] = rho[i] * c_p[i] * (T_C[i] - T_AC[i]) / R_x[i] # Assume no condensation in the canopy (LE_C<0) noC = np.logical_and(i, H_C > Rn_C) H_C[noC] = Rn_C[noC] flag[noC] = F_ZERO_LE_C # Assume no thermal inversion in the canopy noI = np.logical_and.reduce( (i, H_C < calc_H_C_PT( Rn_C, 1.0, T_A_K, p, c_p, alpha_PT), Rn_C > 0)) H_C[noI] = 0 flag[noI] = F_ZERO_H_C # Calculate soil sensible heat flux (Norman et al 1995) H_S[i] = rho[i] * c_p[i] * (T_S[i] - T_AC[i]) / R_S[i] # Assume that there is no condensation in the soil (LE_S<0) noC = np.logical_and.reduce((i, H_S > Rn_S - G, (Rn_S - G) > 0)) H_S[noC] = Rn_S[noC] - G[noC] flag[noC] = F_ZERO_LE_S # Assume no thermal inversion in the soil noI = np.logical_and.reduce((i, H_S < 0, Rn_S - G > 0)) H_S[noI] = 0 flag[noI] = F_ZERO_H_S # Evaporation Rate (Kustas and Norman 1999) H = np.asarray(H_S + H_C) LE = np.asarray(Rn - G - H) # Now L can be recalculated and the difference between iterations # derived if const_L is None: L[i] = MO.calc_L( u_friction[i], T_A_K[i], rho[i], c_p[i], H[i], LE[i]) L_diff = np.asarray(np.fabs(L - L_old) / np.fabs(L_old)) L_diff[np.isnan(L_diff)] = np.inf L_old = np.array(L) L_old[L_old == 0] = 1e-36 # Calculate again the friction velocity with the new stability # correctios u_friction[i] = MO.calc_u_star(u[i], z_u[i], L[i], d_0[i], z_0M[i]) u_friction = np.asarray(np.maximum(U_FRICTION_MIN, u_friction)) # Compute soil and canopy latent heat fluxes LE_S = Rn_S - G - H_S LE_C = Rn_C - H_C (flag, T_AC, Ln_S, Ln_C, LE_C, H_C, LE_S, H_S, G, R_S, R_x, R_A, u_friction, L, n_iterations) = map(np.asarray, (flag, T_AC, Ln_S, Ln_C, LE_C, H_C, LE_S, H_S, G, R_S, R_x, R_A, u_friction, L, iterations)) return (flag, T_AC, Ln_S, Ln_C, LE_C, H_C, LE_S, H_S, G, R_S, R_x, R_A, u_friction, L, n_iterations)
[docs]def TSEB_PT(Tr_K, vza, T_A_K, u, ea, p, Sn_C, Sn_S, L_dn, LAI, h_C, emis_C, emis_S, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z_T, leaf_width=0.1, z0_soil=0.01, alpha_PT=1.26, x_LAD=1, f_c=1.0, f_g=1.0, w_C=1.0, resistance_form=[0, {}], calcG_params=[ [1], 0.35], const_L=None, kB=KB_1_DEFAULT): '''Priestley-Taylor TSEB Calculates the Priestley Taylor TSEB fluxes using a single observation of composite radiometric temperature and using resistances in series. Parameters ---------- Tr_K : float Radiometric composite temperature (Kelvin). vza : float View Zenith Angle (degrees). T_A_K : float Air temperature (Kelvin). u : float Wind speed above the canopy (m s-1). ea : float Water vapour pressure above the canopy (mb). p : float Atmospheric pressure (mb), use 1013 mb by default. Sn_C : float Canopy net shortwave radiation (W m-2). Sn_S : float Soil net shortwave radiation (W m-2). L_dn : float Downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2). LAI : float Effective Leaf Area Index (m2 m-2). h_C : float Canopy height (m). emis_C : float Leaf emissivity. emis_S : flaot Soil emissivity. z_0M : float Aerodynamic surface roughness length for momentum transfer (m). d_0 : float Zero-plane displacement height (m). z_u : float Height of measurement of windspeed (m). z_T : float Height of measurement of air temperature (m). leaf_width : float, optional average/effective leaf width (m). z0_soil : float, optional bare soil aerodynamic roughness length (m). alpha_PT : float, optional Priestley Taylor coeffient for canopy potential transpiration, use 1.26 by default. x_LAD : float, optional Campbell 1990 leaf inclination distribution function chi parameter. f_c : float, optional Fractional cover. f_g : float, optional Fraction of vegetation that is green. w_C : float, optional Canopy width to height ratio. resistance_form : int, optional Flag to determine which Resistances R_x, R_S model to use. * 0 [Default] Norman et al 1995 and Kustas et al 1999. * 1 : Choudhury and Monteith 1988. * 2 : McNaughton and Van der Hurk 1995. calcG_params : list[list,float or array], optional Method to calculate soil heat flux,parameters. * [[1],G_ratio]: default, estimate G as a ratio of Rn_S, default Gratio=0.35. * [[0],G_constant] : Use a constant G, usually use 0 to ignore the computation of G. * [[2,Amplitude,phase_shift,shape],time] : estimate G from Santanello and Friedl with G_param list of parameters (see :func:`~TSEB.calc_G_time_diff`). const_L : float or None, optional If included, its value will be used to force the Moning-Obukhov stability length. Returns ------- flag : int Quality flag, see Appendix for description. T_S : float Soil temperature (Kelvin). T_C : float Canopy temperature (Kelvin). T_AC : float Air temperature at the canopy interface (Kelvin). L_nS : float Soil net longwave radiation (W m-2) L_nC : float Canopy net longwave radiation (W m-2) LE_C : float Canopy latent heat flux (W m-2). H_C : float Canopy sensible heat flux (W m-2). LE_S : float Soil latent heat flux (W m-2). H_S : float Soil sensible heat flux (W m-2). G : float Soil heat flux (W m-2). R_S : float Soil aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). R_x : float Bulk canopy aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). R_A : float Aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). u_friction : float Friction velocity (m s-1). L : float Monin-Obuhkov length (m). n_iterations : int number of iterations until convergence of L. References ---------- .. [Norman1995] J.M. Norman, W.P. Kustas, K.S. Humes, Source approach for estimating soil and vegetation energy fluxes in observations of directional radiometric surface temperature, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 77, Issues 3-4, Pages 263-293, .. [Kustas1999] William P Kustas, John M Norman, Evaluation of soil and vegetation heat flux predictions using a simple two-source model with radiometric temperatures for partial canopy cover, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 94, Issue 1, Pages 13-29, ''' # Convert input float scalars to arrays and parameters size Tr_K = np.asarray(Tr_K, dtype=np.float32) (vza, T_A_K, u, ea, p, Sn_C, Sn_S, L_dn, LAI, h_C, emis_C, emis_S, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z_T, leaf_width, z0_soil, alpha_PT, x_LAD, f_c, f_g, w_C, calcG_array) = map(_check_default_parameter_size, [vza, T_A_K, u, ea, p, Sn_C, Sn_S, L_dn, LAI, h_C, emis_C, emis_S, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z_T, leaf_width, z0_soil, alpha_PT, x_LAD, f_c, f_g, w_C, calcG_params[1]], [Tr_K] * 24) res_params = resistance_form[1] resistance_form = resistance_form[0] # calcG_params[1] = None # Create the output variables [Ln_S, Ln_C, H, LE, LE_C, H_C, LE_S, H_S, G, R_S, R_x, R_A, delta_Rn, Rn_S, iterations] = [np.zeros(Tr_K.shape, np.float32)+np.NaN for i in range(15)] # iteration of the Monin-Obukhov length if const_L is None: # Initially assume stable atmospheric conditions and set variables for L = np.zeros(Tr_K.shape) + np.inf max_iterations = ITERATIONS else: # We force Monin-Obukhov lenght to the provided array/value L = np.ones(Tr_K.shape) * const_L max_iterations = 1 # No iteration # Calculate the general parameters rho = met.calc_rho(p, ea, T_A_K) # Air density c_p = met.calc_c_p(p, ea) # Heat capacity of air z_0H = res.calc_z_0H(z_0M, kB=kB) # Roughness length for heat transport # Calculate LAI dependent parameters for dataset where LAI > 0 omega0 = CI.calc_omega0_Kustas(LAI, f_c, x_LAD=x_LAD, isLAIeff=True) F = np.asarray(LAI / f_c, dtype=np.float32) # Real LAI # Fraction of vegetation observed by the sensor f_theta = calc_F_theta_campbell(vza, F, w_C=w_C, Omega0=omega0, x_LAD=x_LAD) del vza, ea # Initially assume stable atmospheric conditions and set variables for # iteration of the Monin-Obukhov length u_friction = MO.calc_u_star(u, z_u, L, d_0, z_0M) u_friction = np.asarray(np.maximum(U_FRICTION_MIN, u_friction), dtype=np.float32) L_queue = deque([np.array(L, np.float32)], 6) L_converged = np.zeros(Tr_K.shape, bool) L_diff_max = np.inf # First assume that canopy temperature equals the minumum of Air or # radiometric T T_C = np.asarray(np.minimum(Tr_K, T_A_K), dtype=np.float32) flag, T_S = calc_T_S(Tr_K, T_C, f_theta) T_AC = T_A_K.copy() # Outer loop for estimating stability. # Stops when difference in consecutives L is below a given threshold start_time = time.time() loop_time = time.time() for n_iterations in range(max_iterations): i = flag != F_INVALID if np.all(L_converged[i]): if L_converged[i].size == 0: print("Finished iterations with no valid solution") else: print(f"Finished interations with a max. L diff: {L_diff_max}") break current_time = time.time() loop_duration = current_time - loop_time loop_time = current_time total_duration = loop_time - start_time print("Iteration: %d, non-converged pixels: %d, max L diff: %f, total time: %f, loop time: %f" % (n_iterations, np.sum(~L_converged[i]), L_diff_max, total_duration, loop_duration)) iterations[np.logical_and(~L_converged, flag != F_INVALID)] = n_iterations # Inner loop to iterativelly reduce alpha_PT in case latent heat flux # from the soil is negative. The initial assumption is of potential # canopy transpiration. flag[np.logical_and(~L_converged, flag != F_INVALID)] = F_ALL_FLUXES LE_S[np.logical_and(~L_converged, flag != F_INVALID)] = -1 alpha_PT_rec = np.asarray(alpha_PT + 0.1, dtype=np.float32) while np.any(LE_S[i] < 0): i = np.logical_and.reduce((LE_S < 0, ~L_converged, flag != F_INVALID)) alpha_PT_rec[i] -= 0.1 # There cannot be negative transpiration from the vegetation alpha_PT_rec[alpha_PT_rec <= 0.0] = 0.0 flag[np.logical_and(i, alpha_PT_rec == 0.0)] = F_ZERO_LE flag[np.logical_and.reduce((i, alpha_PT_rec < alpha_PT, alpha_PT_rec > 0.0))] =\ F_ZERO_LE_S # Calculate aerodynamic resistances R_A[i], R_x[i], R_S[i] = calc_resistances( resistance_form, {"R_A": {"z_T": z_T[i], "u_friction": u_friction[i], "L": L[i], "d_0": d_0[i], "z_0H": z_0H[i]}, "R_x": {"u_friction": u_friction[i], "h_C": h_C[i], "d_0": d_0[i], "z_0M": z_0M[i], "L": L[i], "F": F[i], "LAI": LAI[i], "leaf_width": leaf_width[i], "res_params": {k: res_params[k][i] for k in res_params.keys()}}, "R_S": {"u_friction": u_friction[i], "h_C": h_C[i], "d_0": d_0[i], "z_0M": z_0M[i], "L": L[i], "F": F[i], "omega0": omega0[i], "LAI": LAI[i], "leaf_width": leaf_width[i], "z0_soil": z0_soil[i], "z_u": z_u[i], "deltaT": T_S[i] - T_AC[i], 'u': u[i], 'rho': rho[i], "c_p": c_p[i], "f_cover": f_c[i], "w_C": w_C[i], "res_params": {k: res_params[k][i] for k in res_params.keys()}} } ) # Calculate net longwave radiation with current values of T_C and T_S Ln_C[i], Ln_S[i] = rad.calc_L_n_Campbell( T_C[i], T_S[i], L_dn[i], LAI[i], emis_C[i], emis_S[i], x_LAD=x_LAD[i]) delta_Rn[i] = Sn_C[i] + Ln_C[i] Rn_S[i] = Sn_S[i] + Ln_S[i] # Calculate the canopy and soil temperatures using the Priestley # Taylor appoach H_C[i] = calc_H_C_PT( delta_Rn[i], f_g[i], T_A_K[i], p[i], c_p[i], alpha_PT_rec[i]) T_C[i] = calc_T_C_series(Tr_K[i], T_A_K[i], R_A[i], R_x[i], R_S[i], f_theta[i], H_C[i], rho[i], c_p[i]) # Calculate soil temperature flag_t = np.zeros(flag.shape) + F_ALL_FLUXES flag_t[i], T_S[i] = calc_T_S(Tr_K[i], T_C[i], f_theta[i]) flag[flag_t == F_INVALID] = F_INVALID LE_S[flag_t == F_INVALID] = 0 # Recalculate soil resistance using new soil temperature _, _, R_S[i] = calc_resistances( resistance_form, {"R_S": {"u_friction": u_friction[i], "h_C": h_C[i], "d_0": d_0[i], "z_0M": z_0M[i], "L": L[i], "F": F[i], "omega0": omega0[i], "LAI": LAI[i], "leaf_width": leaf_width[i], "z0_soil": z0_soil[i], "z_u": z_u[i], "deltaT": T_S[i] - T_AC[i], "u": u[i], "rho": rho[i], "c_p": c_p[i], "f_cover": f_c[i], "w_C": w_C[i], "res_params": {k: res_params[k][i] for k in res_params.keys()}} } ) i = np.logical_and.reduce((LE_S < 0, ~L_converged, flag != F_INVALID)) # Get air temperature at canopy interface T_AC[i] = ((T_A_K[i] / R_A[i] + T_S[i] / R_S[i] + T_C[i] / R_x[i]) / (1.0 / R_A[i] + 1.0 / R_S[i] + 1.0 / R_x[i])) # Calculate soil fluxes H_S[i] = rho[i] * c_p[i] * (T_S[i] - T_AC[i]) / R_S[i] # Compute Soil Heat Flux Ratio G[i] = calc_G([calcG_params[0], calcG_array], Rn_S, i) # Estimate latent heat fluxes as residual of energy balance at the # soil and the canopy LE_S[i] = Rn_S[i] - G[i] - H_S[i] LE_C[i] = delta_Rn[i] - H_C[i] # Special case if there is no transpiration from vegetation. # In that case, there should also be no evaporation from the soil # and the energy at the soil should be conserved. # See end of appendix A1 in Guzinski et al. (2015). noT = np.logical_and(i, LE_C == 0) H_S[noT] = np.minimum(H_S[noT], Rn_S[noT] - G[noT]) G[noT] = np.maximum(G[noT], Rn_S[noT] - H_S[noT]) LE_S[noT] = 0 # Calculate total fluxes H[i] = np.asarray(H_C[i] + H_S[i], dtype=np.float32) LE[i] = np.asarray(LE_C[i] + LE_S[i], dtype=np.float32) # Now L can be recalculated and the difference between iterations # derived if const_L is None: L[i] = MO.calc_L( u_friction[i], T_A_K[i], rho[i], c_p[i], H[i], LE[i]) # Calculate again the friction velocity with the new stability # correctios u_friction[i] = MO.calc_u_star( u[i], z_u[i], L[i], d_0[i], z_0M[i]) u_friction[i] = np.asarray(np.maximum(U_FRICTION_MIN, u_friction[i]), dtype=np.float32) if const_L is None: # We check convergence against the value of L from previous iteration but as well # against values from 2 or 3 iterations back. This is to catch situations (not # infrequent) where L oscillates between 2 or 3 steady state values. L_new = np.array(L, np.float32) L_new[L_new == 0] = 1e-36 L_queue.appendleft(L_new) i = np.logical_and(~L_converged, flag != F_INVALID) if not np.any(i): continue L_converged[i] = _L_diff(L_queue[0][i], L_queue[1][i]) < L_thres L_diff_max = np.max(_L_diff(L_queue[0][i], L_queue[1][i])) if len(L_queue) >= 4: i = np.logical_and(~L_converged, flag != F_INVALID) if not np.any(i): continue L_converged[i] = np.logical_and(_L_diff(L_queue[0][i], L_queue[2][i]) < L_thres, _L_diff(L_queue[1][i], L_queue[3][i]) < L_thres) if len(L_queue) == 6: i = np.logical_and(~L_converged, flag != F_INVALID) if not np.any(i): continue L_converged[i] = np.logical_and.reduce((_L_diff(L_queue[0][i], L_queue[3][i]) < L_thres, _L_diff(L_queue[1][i], L_queue[4][i]) < L_thres, _L_diff(L_queue[2][i], L_queue[5][i]) < L_thres)) (flag, T_S, T_C, T_AC, L_nS, L_nC, LE_C, H_C, LE_S, H_S, G, R_S, R_x, R_A, u_friction, L, n_iterations) = map(np.asarray, (flag, T_S, T_C, T_AC, Ln_S, Ln_C, LE_C, H_C, LE_S, H_S, G, R_S, R_x, R_A, u_friction, L, iterations)) return (flag, T_S, T_C, T_AC, L_nS, L_nC, LE_C, H_C, LE_S, H_S, G, R_S, R_x, R_A, u_friction, L, n_iterations)
def _L_diff(L, L_old): L_diff = np.asarray(np.fabs(L - L_old) / np.fabs(L_old), dtype=np.float32) L_diff[np.isnan(L_diff)] = float('inf') return L_diff
[docs]def DTD(Tr_K_0, Tr_K_1, vza, T_A_K_0, T_A_K_1, u, ea, p, Sn_C, Sn_S, L_dn, LAI, h_C, emis_C, emis_S, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z_T, leaf_width=0.1, z0_soil=0.01, alpha_PT=1.26, x_LAD=1, f_c=1.0, f_g=1.0, w_C=1.0, resistance_form=[0, {}], calcG_params=[ [1], 0.35], calc_Ri=True, kB=KB_1_DEFAULT): ''' Calculate daytime Dual Time Difference TSEB fluxes Parameters ---------- Tr_K_0 : float Radiometric composite temperature around sunrise(Kelvin). Tr_K_1 : float Radiometric composite temperature near noon (Kelvin). vza : float View Zenith Angle near noon (degrees). T_A_K_0 : float Air temperature around sunrise (Kelvin). T_A_K_1 : float Air temperature near noon (Kelvin). u : float Wind speed above the canopy (m s-1). ea : float Water vapour pressure above the canopy (mb). p : float Atmospheric pressure (mb), use 1013 mb by default. Sn_C : float Canopy net shortwave radiation (W m-2). Sn_S : float Soil net shortwave radiation (W m-2). L_dn : float Downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2). LAI : float Effective Leaf Area Index (m2 m-2). h_C : float Canopy height (m). emis_C : float Leaf emissivity. emis_S : flaot Soil emissivity. z_0M : float Aerodynamic surface roughness length for momentum transfer (m). d_0 : float Zero-plane displacement height (m). z_u : float Height of measurement of windspeed (m). z_T : float Height of measurement of air temperature (m). leaf_width : Optional[float] average/effective leaf width (m). z0_soil : Optional[float] bare soil aerodynamic roughness length (m). alpha_PT : Optional[float] Priestley Taylor coeffient for canopy potential transpiration, use 1.26 by default. x_LAD : Optional[float] Campbell 1990 leaf inclination distribution function chi parameter. f_c : Optiona;[float] Fractional cover. f_g : Optional[float] Fraction of vegetation that is green. w_C : Optional[float] Canopy width to height ratio. resistance_form : int, optional Flag to determine which Resistances R_x, R_S model to use. * 0 [Default] Norman et al 1995 and Kustas et al 1999. * 1 : Choudhury and Monteith 1988. * 2 : McNaughton and Van der Hurk 1995. calcG_params : list[list,float or array], optional Method to calculate soil heat flux,parameters. * [[1],G_ratio]: default, estimate G as a ratio of Rn_S, default Gratio=0.35. * [[0],G_constant] : Use a constant G, usually use 0 to ignore the computation of G. * [[2,Amplitude,phase_shift,shape],time] : estimate G from Santanello and Friedl with G_param list of parameters (see :func:`~TSEB.calc_G_time_diff`). calc_Ri : float or None, optional If included, its value will be used to force the Richardson Number. Returns ------- flag : int Quality flag, see Appendix for description. T_S : float Soil temperature (Kelvin). T_C : float Canopy temperature (Kelvin). T_AC : float Air temperature at the canopy interface (Kelvin). L_nS : float Soil net longwave radiation (W m-2). L_nC : float Canopy net longwave radiation (W m-2). LE_C : float Canopy latent heat flux (W m-2). H_C : float Canopy sensible heat flux (W m-2). LE_S : float Soil latent heat flux (W m-2). H_S : float Soil sensible heat flux (W m-2). G : float Soil heat flux (W m-2). R_S : float Soil aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). R_x : float Bulk canopy aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). R_A : float Aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). u_friction : float Friction velocity (m s-1). L : float Monin-Obuhkov length (m). Ri : float Richardson number. n_iterations : int number of iterations until convergence of L. References ---------- .. [Norman2000] Norman, J. M., W. P. Kustas, J. H. Prueger, and G. R. Diak (2000), Surface flux estimation using radiometric temperature: A dual-temperature-difference method to minimize measurement errors, Water Resour. Res., 36(8), 2263-2274, .. [Guzinski2015] Guzinski, R., Nieto, H., Stisen, S., and Fensholt, R. (2015) Inter-comparison of energy balance and hydrological models for land surface energy flux estimation over a whole river catchment, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2017-2036, ''' # Convert input scalars to numpy arrays and parameters size Tr_K_0 = np.asarray(Tr_K_0) (Tr_K_1, vza, T_A_K_0, T_A_K_1, u, ea, p, Sn_C, Sn_S, L_dn, LAI, h_C, emis_C, emis_S, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z_T, leaf_width, z0_soil, alpha_PT, x_LAD, f_c, f_g, w_C, calcG_array) = map(_check_default_parameter_size, [Tr_K_1, vza, T_A_K_0, T_A_K_1, u, ea, p, Sn_C, Sn_S, L_dn, LAI, h_C, emis_C, emis_S, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z_T, leaf_width, z0_soil, alpha_PT, x_LAD, f_c, f_g, w_C, calcG_params[1]], [Tr_K_0] * 26) res_params = resistance_form[1] resistance_form = resistance_form[0] # Create the output variables [flag, T_S, T_C, T_AC, Ln_S, Ln_C, LE_C, H_C, LE_S, H_S, G, R_S, R_x, R_A, H, iterations] = [np.zeros(Tr_K_1.shape, np.float32) + np.NaN for i in range(16)] # Calculate the general parameters rho = met.calc_rho(p, ea, T_A_K_1) # Air density c_p = met.calc_c_p(p, ea) # Heat capacity of air z_0H = res.calc_z_0H(z_0M, kB=kB) # Roughness length for heat transport # Calculate LAI dependent parameters for dataset where LAI > 0 # Clumping factor at nadir omega0 = CI.calc_omega0_Kustas(LAI, f_c, x_LAD=x_LAD, isLAIeff=True) F = np.asarray(LAI / f_c) # Real LAI # Fraction of vegetation observed by the sensor f_theta = calc_F_theta_campbell(vza, F, w_C=w_C, Omega0=omega0, x_LAD=x_LAD) # L is not used in the DTD, since Richardson number is used instead to # avoid dependance on non-differential temperatures. But it is still saved # in the output for testing purposes. if isinstance(calc_Ri, bool): # Calculate the Richardson number Ri = MO.calc_richardson(u, z_u, d_0, Tr_K_0, Tr_K_1, T_A_K_0, T_A_K_1) else: # We force Monin-Obukhov lenght to the provided array/value Ri = np.asarray(np.ones(Tr_K_1.shape) * calc_Ri) # Use the approximation Ri ~ (z-d_0)./L from end of section 2.2 from # Norman et. al., 2000 (DTD paper) L_from_Ri = (z_u - d_0) / Ri # calculate the resistances # First calcualte u_S, wind speed at the soil surface u_friction = MO.calc_u_star(u, z_u, L_from_Ri, d_0, z_0M) u_friction = np.asarray(np.maximum(U_FRICTION_MIN, u_friction)) # First assume that canopy temperature equals the minumum of Air or # radiometric T T_C = np.asarray(np.minimum(Tr_K_1, T_A_K_1)) flag, T_S = calc_T_S(Tr_K_1, T_C, f_theta) # Calculate aerodynamic resistances R_A_params = {"z_T": z_T, "u_friction": u_friction, "L": L_from_Ri, "d_0": d_0, "z_0H": z_0H} params = {k: res_params[k] for k in res_params.keys()} R_x_params = {"u_friction": u_friction, "h_C": h_C, "d_0": d_0, "z_0M": z_0M, "L": L_from_Ri, "F": F, "LAI": LAI, "leaf_width": leaf_width, "res_params": params} # based on equation from Guzinski et. al., 2015 deltaT = (Tr_K_1 - Tr_K_0) - (T_A_K_1 - T_A_K_0) R_S_params = {"u_friction": u_friction, "h_C": h_C, "d_0": d_0, "z_0M": z_0M, "L": L_from_Ri, "F": F, "omega0": omega0, "LAI": LAI, "leaf_width": leaf_width, "z0_soil": z0_soil, "z_u": z_u, "deltaT": deltaT, "res_params": params} res_types = {"R_A": R_A_params, "R_x": R_x_params, "R_S": R_S_params} del R_A_params, R_x_params, R_S_params R_A, R_x, R_S = calc_resistances(resistance_form, res_types) del res_types # Outer loop until canopy and soil temperatures have stabilised T_C_prev = np.zeros(Tr_K_1.shape) T_C_thres = 0.1 T_C_diff = np.fabs(T_C - T_C_prev) for n_iterations in range(ITERATIONS): i = flag != F_INVALID if np.all(T_C_diff[i] < T_C_thres): if T_C_diff[i].size == 0: print("Finished iterations with no valid solution") else: print(f"Finished iteration with a max. T_C diff: {np.max(T_C_diff[i])}") break print(f"Iteration {n_iterations}," f"maximum T_C difference between iterations: {np.max(T_C_diff[i])}") iterations[np.logical_and(T_C_diff >= T_C_thres, flag != F_INVALID)] = n_iterations # Inner loop to iterativelly reduce alpha_PT in case latent heat flux # from the soil is negative. The initial assumption is of potential # canopy transpiration. flag[np.logical_and(T_C_diff >= T_C_thres, flag != F_INVALID)] = F_ALL_FLUXES LE_S[np.logical_and(T_C_diff >= T_C_thres, flag != F_INVALID)] = -1 alpha_PT_rec = np.asarray(alpha_PT + 0.1) while np.any(LE_S[i] < 0): i = np.logical_and.reduce( (LE_S < 0, T_C_diff >= T_C_thres, flag != F_INVALID)) alpha_PT_rec[i] -= 0.1 # There cannot be negative transpiration from the vegetation alpha_PT_rec[alpha_PT_rec <= 0.0] = 0.0 flag[np.logical_and(i, alpha_PT_rec == 0.0)] = F_ZERO_LE flag[np.logical_and.reduce((i, alpha_PT_rec < alpha_PT, alpha_PT_rec > 0.0))] =\ F_ZERO_LE_S # Calculate net longwave radiation with current values of T_C and T_S Ln_C[i], Ln_S[i] = rad.calc_L_n_Campbell( T_C[i], T_S[i], L_dn[i], LAI[i], emis_C[i], emis_S[i], x_LAD=x_LAD[i]) # Calculate total net radiation of soil and canopy delta_Rn = Sn_C + Ln_C Rn_S = Sn_S + Ln_S # Calculate sensible heat fluxes at time t1 H_C[i] = calc_H_C_PT( delta_Rn[i], f_g[i], T_A_K_1[i], p[i], c_p[i], alpha_PT_rec[i]) H[i] = calc_H_DTD_series( Tr_K_1[i], Tr_K_0[i], T_A_K_1[i], T_A_K_0[i], rho[i], c_p[i], f_theta[i], R_S[i], R_A[i], R_x[i], H_C[i]) H_S[i] = H[i] - H_C[i] # Calculate ground heat flux G[i] = calc_G([calcG_params[0], calcG_array], Rn_S, i) # Calculate latent heat fluxes as residuals LE_S[i] = Rn_S[i] - H_S[i] - G[i] LE_C[i] = delta_Rn[i] - H_C[i] # Special case if there is no transpiration from vegetation. # In that case, there should also be no evaporation from the soil # and the energy at the soil should be conserved. # See end of appendix A1 in Guzinski et al. (2015). noT = np.logical_and(i, LE_C == 0) H_S[noT] = np.minimum(H_S[noT], Rn_S[noT] - G[noT]) G[noT] = np.maximum(G[noT], Rn_S[noT] - H_S[noT]) LE_S[noT] = 0 # Recalculate soil and canopy temperatures. They are used only for # estimation of longwave radiation, so the use of non-differential Tr # and T_A shouldn't affect the turbulent fluxes much T_C[i] = calc_T_C_series( Tr_K_1[i], T_A_K_1[i], R_A[i], R_x[i], R_S[i], f_theta[i], H_C[i], rho[i], c_p[i]) flag_t = np.zeros(flag.shape) + F_ALL_FLUXES flag_t[i], T_S[i] = calc_T_S(Tr_K_1[i], T_C[i], f_theta[i]) flag[flag_t == F_INVALID] = F_INVALID LE_S[flag_t == F_INVALID] = 0 # Recalculate soil resistance using new difference between soil # and canopy temperatures. deltaT is equivalent to T_S - T_C while # not being dependent on non-differential T_A. params = {k: res_params[k][i] for k in res_params.keys()} deltaT = (H_S[i] * R_S[i] - H_C[i] * R_x[i]) / (rho[i] * c_p[i]) R_S_params = {"u_friction": u_friction[i], "h_C": h_C[i], "d_0": d_0[i], "z_0M": z_0M[i], "L": L_from_Ri[i], "F": F[i], "omega0": omega0[i], "LAI": LAI[i], "leaf_width": leaf_width[i], "z0_soil": z0_soil[i], "z_u": z_u[i], "deltaT": deltaT, "res_params": params} _, _, R_S[i] = calc_resistances(resistance_form, {"R_S": R_S_params}) T_C_diff = np.asarray(np.fabs(T_C - T_C_prev)) T_C_prev = np.array(T_C) # L and T_AC are only calculated for testing purposes L = MO.calc_L(u_friction, T_A_K_1, rho, c_p, H, LE_C + LE_S) T_AC = ((T_A_K_1 / R_A + T_S / R_S + T_C / R_x) / (1.0 / R_A + 1.0 / R_S + 1.0 / R_x)) (flag, T_S, T_C, T_AC, L_nS, L_nC, LE_C, H_C, LE_S, H_S, G, R_S, R_x, R_A, u_friction, L, Ri, n_iterations) = map(np.asarray, (flag, T_S, T_C, T_AC, Ln_S, Ln_C, LE_C, H_C, LE_S, H_S, G, R_S, R_x, R_A, u_friction, L, Ri, iterations)) return [ flag, T_S, T_C, T_AC, L_nS, L_nC, LE_C, H_C, LE_S, H_S, G, R_S, R_x, R_A, u_friction, L, Ri, n_iterations]
[docs]def OSEB(Tr_K, T_A_K, u, ea, p, Sn, L_dn, emis, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z_T, calcG_params=[ [1], 0.35], const_L=None, T0_K=[], kB=KB_1_DEFAULT): '''Calulates bulk fluxes from a One Source Energy Balance model Parameters ---------- Tr_K : float Radiometric composite temperature (Kelvin). T_A_K : float Air temperature (Kelvin). u : float Wind speed above the canopy (m s-1). ea : float Water vapour pressure above the canopy (mb). p : float Atmospheric pressure (mb), use 1013 mb by default. S_n : float Solar irradiance (W m-2). L_dn : float Downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2) emis : float Surface emissivity. albedo : float Surface broadband albedo. z_0M : float Aerodynamic surface roughness length for momentum transfer (m). d_0 : float Zero-plane displacement height (m). z_u : float Height of measurement of windspeed (m). z_T : float Height of measurement of air temperature (m). calcG_params : list[list,float or array], optional Method to calculate soil heat flux,parameters. * [[1],G_ratio]: default, estimate G as a ratio of Rn_S, default Gratio=0.35. * [[0],G_constant] : Use a constant G, usually use 0 to ignore the computation of G. * [[2,Amplitude,phase_shift,shape],time] : estimate G from Santanello and Friedl with G_param list of parameters (see :func:`~TSEB.calc_G_time_diff`). const_L : Optional[float] If included, its value will be used to force the Moning-Obukhov stability length. T0_K: Optional[tuple(float,float)] If given it contains radiometric composite temperature (K) at time 0 as the first element and air temperature (K) at time 0 as the second element, in order to derive differential temperatures like is done in DTD Returns ------- flag : int Quality flag, see Appendix for description. Ln : float Net longwave radiation (W m-2) LE : float Latent heat flux (W m-2). H : float Sensible heat flux (W m-2). G : float Soil heat flux (W m-2). R_A : float Aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). u_friction : float Friction velocity (m s-1). L : float Monin-Obuhkov length (m). n_iterations : int number of iterations until convergence of L. ''' # Convert input scalars to numpy arrays and check parameters size Tr_K = np.asarray(Tr_K) (T_A_K, u, ea, p, Sn, L_dn, emis, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z_T, calcG_array) = map(_check_default_parameter_size, [T_A_K, u, ea, p, Sn, L_dn, emis, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z_T, calcG_params[1]], [Tr_K] * 12) # Create the output variables [flag, Ln, LE, H, G, R_A] = [np.zeros(Tr_K.shape, np.float32) + np.NaN for i in range(6)] # iteration of the Monin-Obukhov length if const_L is None: # Initially assume stable atmospheric conditions and set variables for L = np.zeros(Tr_K.shape) + np.inf max_iterations = ITERATIONS else: # We force Monin-Obukhov lenght to the provided array/value L = np.ones(Tr_K.shape) * const_L max_iterations = 1 # No iteration # Check if differential temperatures are to be used if len(T0_K) == 2: differentialT = True Tr_K_0 = np.asarray(T0_K[0]) T_A_K_0 = np.asarray(T0_K[1]) else: differentialT = False # Initially assume stable atmospheric conditions and set variables for L_old = np.ones(Tr_K.shape) # Calculate the general parameters rho = met.calc_rho(p, ea, T_A_K) # Air density c_p = met.calc_c_p(p, ea) # Heat capacity of air # With differential temperatures use Richardson number to approximate L, # same as is done in DTD if differentialT: if const_L is None: Ri = MO.calc_richardson(u, z_u, d_0, Tr_K_0, Tr_K, T_A_K_0, T_A_K) else: Ri = np.array(L) # Use the approximation Ri ~ (z-d_0)./L from end of section 2.2 from # Norman et. al., 2000 (DTD paper) L_from_Ri = (z_u - d_0) / Ri u_friction = MO.calc_u_star(u, z_u, L_from_Ri, d_0, z_0M) else: u_friction = MO.calc_u_star(u, z_u, L, d_0, z_0M) u_friction = np.maximum(U_FRICTION_MIN, u_friction) L_old = np.ones(Tr_K.shape) L_diff = np.ones(Tr_K.shape) * float('inf') z_0H = res.calc_z_0H(z_0M, kB=kB) # Calculate Net radiation Ln = emis * L_dn - emis * met.calc_stephan_boltzmann(Tr_K) Rn = np.asarray(Sn + Ln) # Compute Soil Heat Flux i = np.ones(Rn.shape, dtype=bool) G[i] = calc_G([calcG_params[0], calcG_array], Rn, i) # Loop for estimating atmospheric stability. # Stops when difference in consecutive L and u_friction is below a # given threshold for n_iterations in range(max_iterations): flag = np.zeros(Tr_K.shape) + F_ALL_FLUXES_OS # Stop the iteration if differences are below the threshold if np.all(L_diff < L_thres): break # Calculate aerodynamic resistances if differentialT: R_A_params = {"z_T": z_T, "u_friction": u_friction, "L": L_from_Ri, "d_0": d_0, "z_0H": z_0H} else: R_A_params = {"z_T": z_T, "u_friction": u_friction, "L": L, "d_0": d_0, "z_0H": z_0H} R_A, _, _ = calc_resistances(KUSTAS_NORMAN_1999, {"R_A": R_A_params}) # Calculate bulk fluxes assuming that since there is no vegetation, # Tr is the heat source if differentialT: H = rho * c_p * ((Tr_K - Tr_K_0) - (T_A_K - T_A_K_0)) / R_A else: H = rho * c_p * (Tr_K - T_A_K) / R_A H = np.asarray(H) LE = np.asarray(Rn - G - H) # Avoid negative ET during daytime and make sure that energy is # conserved flag[LE < 0] = F_ZERO_LE_OS H[LE < 0] = np.minimum(H[LE < 0], Rn[LE < 0] - G[LE < 0]) G[LE < 0] = np.maximum(G[LE < 0], Rn[LE < 0] - H[LE < 0]) LE[LE < 0] = 0 if const_L is None: # Now L can be recalculated and the difference between iterations # derived L = MO.calc_L(u_friction, T_A_K, rho, c_p, H, LE) L_diff = np.fabs(L - L_old) / np.fabs(L_old) L_old = np.array(L) L_old[np.fabs(L_old) == 0] = 1e-36 # Calculate again the friction velocity with the new stability correction # and derive the change between iterations if not differentialT: u_friction = MO.calc_u_star(u, z_u, L, d_0, z_0M) u_friction = np.maximum(U_FRICTION_MIN, u_friction) flag, Ln, LE, H, G, R_A, u_friction, L, n_iterations = map( np.asarray, (flag, Ln, LE, H, G, R_A, u_friction, L, n_iterations)) return flag, Ln, LE, H, G, R_A, u_friction, L, n_iterations
[docs]def calc_F_theta_campbell(theta, F, w_C=1, Omega0=1, x_LAD=1): '''Calculates the fraction of vegetatinon observed at an angle. Parameters ---------- theta : float Angle of incidence (degrees). F : float Real Leaf (Plant) Area Index. w_C : float Ratio of vegetation height versus width, optional (default = 1). Omega0 : float Clumping index at nadir, optional (default =1). x_LAD : float Chi parameter for the ellipsoidal Leaf Angle Distribution function, use x_LAD=1 for a spherical LAD. Returns ------- f_theta : float fraction of vegetation obsserved at an angle. References ---------- .. [Campbell1998] Campbell, G. S. & Norman, J. M. (1998), An introduction to environmental biophysics. Springer, New York .. [Norman1995] J.M. Norman, W.P. Kustas, K.S. Humes, Source approach for estimating soil and vegetation energy fluxes in observations of directional radiometric surface temperature, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 77, Issues 3-4, Pages 263-293, ''' # First calcualte the angular clumping factor Omega based on eq (3) from # W.P. Kustas, J.M. Norman, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 94 (1999) # CHECK: should theta here be in degrees or radians OmegaTheta = (Omega0 / (Omega0 + (1.0 - Omega0) * np.exp(-2.2 * np.radians(theta)**(3.8 - 0.46 * w_C)))) # Estimate the beam extinction coefficient based on a elipsoidal LAD function # Eq. 15.4 of Campbell and Norman (1998) K_be = rad.calc_K_be_Campbell(theta, x_LAD) ftheta = 1.0 - np.exp(-K_be * OmegaTheta * F) return np.asarray(ftheta, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_G(calcG_params, Rn_S, i=None): if i is None: i = np.ones(Rn_S.shape, dtype=bool) if calcG_params[0][0] == G_CONSTANT: G = calcG_params[1][i] elif calcG_params[0][0] == G_RATIO: G = calc_G_ratio(Rn_S[i], calcG_params[1][i]) elif calcG_params[0][0] == G_TIME_DIFF: G = calc_G_time_diff(Rn_S[i], [calcG_params[1][i], calcG_params[0][1], calcG_params[0][2], calcG_params[0][3]]) elif calcG_params[0][0] == G_TIME_DIFF_SIGMOID: G = calc_G_time_diff_sigmoid(Rn_S[i], [calcG_params[1][i], calcG_params[0][1], calcG_params[0][2], calcG_params[0][3], calcG_params[0][4], calcG_params[0][5], calcG_params[0][6]]) return np.asarray(G)
[docs]def calc_G_time_diff(R_n, G_param=[12.0, 0.35, 3.0, 24.0]): ''' Estimates Soil Heat Flux as function of time and net radiation. Parameters ---------- R_n : float Net radiation (W m-2). G_param : tuple(float,float,float,float) tuple with parameters required (time, Amplitude,phase_shift,shape). time: float time of interest (decimal hours). Amplitude : float maximum value of G/Rn, amplitude, default=0.35. phase_shift : float shift of peak G relative to solar noon (default 3hrs before noon). shape : float shape of G/Rn, default 24 hrs. Returns ------- G : float Soil heat flux (W m-2). References ---------- .. [Santanello2003] Joseph A. Santanello Jr. and Mark A. Friedl, 2003: Diurnal Covariation in Soil Heat Flux and Net Radiation. J. Appl. Meteor., 42, 851-862,<0851:DCISHF>2.0.CO;2.''' # Get parameters time = G_param[0] - 12.0 A = G_param[1] phase_shift = G_param[2] B = G_param[3] G_ratio = A * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * (time + phase_shift) / B) G = R_n * G_ratio return np.asarray(G, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_G_time_diff_sigmoid(R_n, G_param=[12, 0, 0.35, 10.0, 14.0, 1.0, 1.0]): ''' Estimates Soil Heat Flux as function of time and net radiation using an asymmetric sigmoid function Parameters ---------- R_n : float Net radiation (W m-2). G_param : tuple(float,float,float,float) tuple with parameters required (time, Amplitude,phase_shift,shape). time: float time of interest (decimal hours). Amplitude : float maximum value of G/Rn, amplitude, default=0.35. phase_shift : float shift of peak G relative to solar noon (default 3hrs after noon). shape : float shape of G/Rn, default 24 hrs. Returns ------- G : float Soil heat flux (W m-2). References ---------- .. [Santanello2003] Joseph A. Santanello Jr. and Mark A. Friedl, 2003: Diurnal Covariation in Soil Heat Flux and Net Radiation. J. Appl. Meteor., 42, 851-862,<0851:DCISHF>2.0.CO;2.''' # Get parameters time, G_ratio_min, G_ratio_max, phase_shift_0, phase_shift_1, shape_0, shape_1 = G_param G_ratio = (G_ratio_min + (G_ratio_max - G_ratio_min) * 0.5 * (np.tanh((time - phase_shift_0) / shape_0) - np.tanh((time - phase_shift_1) / shape_1))) G = R_n * G_ratio return np.asarray(G, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_G_ratio(Rn_S, G_ratio=0.35): '''Estimates Soil Heat Flux as ratio of net soil radiation. Parameters ---------- Rn_S : float Net soil radiation (W m-2). G_ratio : float, optional G/Rn_S ratio, default=0.35. Returns ------- G : float Soil heat flux (W m-2). References ---------- .. [Choudhury1987] B.J. Choudhury, S.B. Idso, R.J. Reginato, Analysis of an empirical model for soil heat flux under a growing wheat crop for estimating evaporation by an infrared-temperature based energy balance equation, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 39, Issue 4, 1987, Pages 283-297, ''' G = G_ratio * Rn_S return np.asarray(G, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_H_C(T_C, T_A, R_A, rho, c_p): '''Calculates canopy sensible heat flux in a parallel resistance network. Parameters ---------- T_C : float Canopy temperature (K). T_A : float Air temperature (K). R_A : float Aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). rho : float air density (kg m-3). c_p : float Heat capacity of air at constant pressure (J kg-1 K-1). Returns ------- H_C : float Canopy sensible heat flux (W m-2).''' H_C = rho * c_p * (T_C - T_A) / R_A return np.asarray(H_C, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_H_C_PT(delta_R_ni, f_g, T_A_K, P, c_p, alpha): '''Calculates canopy sensible heat flux based on the Priestley and Taylor formula. Parameters ---------- delta_R_ni : float net radiation divergence of the vegetative canopy (W m-2). f_g : float fraction of vegetative canopy that is green. T_A_K : float air temperature (Kelvin). P : float air pressure (mb). c_p : float heat capacity of moist air (J kg-1 K-1). alpha : float the Priestley Taylor parameter. Returns ------- H_C : float Canopy sensible heat flux (W m-2). References ---------- Equation 14 in [Norman1995]_ ''' # slope of the saturation pressure curve (kPa./deg C) s = met.calc_delta_vapor_pressure(T_A_K) s = s * 10 # to mb # latent heat of vaporisation (J./kg) Lambda = met.calc_lambda(T_A_K) # psychrometric constant (mb C-1) gama = met.calc_psicr(c_p, P, Lambda) s_gama = s / (s + gama) H_C = delta_R_ni * (1.0 - alpha * f_g * s_gama) return np.asarray(H_C, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_H_DTD_parallel( T_R1, T_R0, T_A1, T_A0, rho, c_p, f_theta1, R_S1, R_A1, R_AC1, H_C1): '''Calculates the DTD total sensible heat flux at time 1 with resistances in parallel. Parameters ---------- T_R1 : float radiometric surface temperature at time t1 (K). T_R0 : float radiometric surface temperature at time t0 (K). T_A1 : float air temperature at time t1 (K). T_A0 : float air temperature at time t0 (K). rho : float air density at time t1 (kg m-3). cp : float heat capacity of moist air (J kg-1 K-1). f_theta_1 : float fraction of radiometer field of view that is occupied by vegetative cover at time t1. R_S1 : float resistance to heat transport from the soil surface at time t1 (s m-1). R_A1 : float resistance to heat transport in the surface layer at time t1 (s m-1). R_A1 : float resistance to heat transport at the canopy interface at time t1 (s m-1). H_C1 : float canopy sensible heat flux at time t1 (W m-2). Returns ------- H : float Total sensible heat flux at time t1 (W m-2). References ---------- .. [Guzinski2013] Guzinski, R., Anderson, M. C., Kustas, W. P., Nieto, H., and Sandholt, I. (2013) Using a thermal-based two source energy balance model with time-differencing to estimate surface energy fluxes with day-night MODIS observations, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 2809-2825, ''' # Ignore night fluxes H = (rho * c_p * (((T_R1 - T_R0) - (T_A1 - T_A0)) / ((1.0 - f_theta1) * (R_A1 + R_S1))) + H_C1 * (1.0 - ((f_theta1 * R_AC1) / ((1.0 - f_theta1) * (R_A1 + R_S1))))) return np.asarray(H, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_H_DTD_series( T_R1, T_R0, T_A1, T_A0, rho, c_p, f_theta, R_S, R_A, R_x, H_C): '''Calculates the DTD total sensible heat flux at time 1 with resistances in series Parameters ---------- T_R1 : float radiometric surface temperature at time t1 (K). T_R0 : float radiometric surface temperature at time t0 (K). T_A1 : float air temperature at time t1 (K). T_A0 : float air temperature at time t0 (K). rho : float air density at time t1 (kg m-3). cp : float heat capacity of moist air (J kg-1 K-1). f_theta : float fraction of radiometer field of view that is occupied by vegetative cover at time t1. R_S : float resistance to heat transport from the soil surface at time t1 (s m-1). R_A : float resistance to heat transport in the surface layer at time t1 (s m-1). R_x : float Canopy boundary resistance to heat transport at time t1 (s m-1). H_C : float canopy sensible heat flux at time t1 (W m-2). Returns ------- H : float Total sensible heat flux at time t1 (W m-2). References ---------- .. [Guzinski2014] Guzinski, R., Nieto, H., Jensen, R., and Mendiguren, G. (2014) Remotely sensed land-surface energy fluxes at sub-field scale in heterogeneous agricultural landscape and coniferous plantation, Biogeosciences, 11, 5021-5046, ''' H = (rho * c_p * ((T_R1 - T_R0) - (T_A1 - T_A0)) / ((1.0 - f_theta) * R_S + R_A) + H_C * ((1.0 - f_theta) * R_S - f_theta * R_x) / ((1.0 - f_theta) * R_S + R_A)) return np.asarray(H, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_H_S(T_S, T_A, R_A, R_S, rho, c_p): '''Calculates soil sensible heat flux in a parallel resistance network. Parameters ---------- T_S : float Soil temperature (K). T_A : float Air temperature (K). R_A : float Aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). R_A : float Aerodynamic resistance at the soil boundary layer (s m-1). rho : float air density (kg m-3). c_p : float Heat capacity of air at constant pressure (J kg-1 K-1). Returns ------- H_C : float Canopy sensible heat flux (W m-2). References ---------- Equation 7 in [Norman1995]_ ''' H_S = rho * c_p * ((T_S - T_A) / (R_S + R_A)) return np.asarray(H_S, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_T_C(T_R, T_S, f_theta): '''Estimates canopy temperature from the directional composite radiometric temperature. Parameters ---------- T_R : float Directional Radiometric Temperature (K). T_S : float Soil Temperature (K). f_theta : float Fraction of vegetation observed. Returns ------- flag : int Error flag if inversion not possible (255). T_C : float Canopy temperature (K). References ---------- Eq. 1 in [Norman1995]_ ''' # Convert input scalars to numpy array (T_R, T_S, f_theta) = map(np.asarray, (T_R, T_S, f_theta)) T_temp = np.asarray(T_R ** 4 - (1.0 - f_theta) * T_S**4) T_C = np.zeros(T_R.shape) flag = np.zeros(T_R.shape) + F_ALL_FLUXES # Succesfull inversion T_C[T_temp >= 0] = (T_temp[T_temp >= 0] / f_theta[T_temp >= 0])**0.25 # Unsuccesfull inversion T_C[T_temp < 0] = 1e-6 flag[T_temp < 0] = F_INVALID return np.asarray(flag), np.asarray(T_C, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_T_C_series(Tr_K, T_A_K, R_A, R_x, R_S, f_theta, H_C, rho, c_p): '''Estimates canopy temperature from canopy sensible heat flux and resistance network in series. Parameters ---------- Tr_K : float Directional Radiometric Temperature (K). T_A_K : float Air Temperature (K). R_A : float Aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). R_x : float Bulk aerodynamic resistance to heat transport at the canopy boundary layer (s m-1). R_S : float Aerodynamic resistance to heat transport at the soil boundary layer (s m-1). f_theta : float Fraction of vegetation observed. H_C : float Sensible heat flux of the canopy (W m-2). rho : float Density of air (km m-3). c_p : float Heat capacity of air at constant pressure (J kg-1 K-1). Returns ------- T_C : float Canopy temperature (K). References ---------- Eqs. A5-A13 in [Norman1995]_''' T_R_K_4 = Tr_K**4 # equation A7 from Norman 1995, linear approximation of temperature of the # canopy T_C_lin = ((T_A_K / R_A + Tr_K / (R_S * (1.0 - f_theta)) + H_C * R_x / (rho * c_p) * (1.0 / R_A + 1.0 / R_S + 1.0 / R_x)) / (1.0 / R_A + 1.0 / R_S + f_theta / (R_S * (1.0 - f_theta)))) # equation A12 from Norman 1995 T_D = (T_C_lin * (1 + R_S / R_A) - H_C * R_x / (rho * c_p) * (1.0 + R_S / R_x + R_S / R_A) - T_A_K * R_S / R_A) # equation A11 from Norman 1995 delta_T_C = (((T_R_K_4 - f_theta * T_C_lin**4 - (1.0 - f_theta) * T_D**4) / (4.0 * (1.0 - f_theta) * T_D**3 * (1.0 + R_S / R_A) + 4.0 * f_theta * T_C_lin**3))) # get canopy temperature in Kelvin T_C = T_C_lin + delta_T_C return np.asarray(T_C, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_T_CS_Norman(F, vza_n, vza_f, T_n, T_f, w_C=1, x_LAD=1, omega0=1): '''Estimates canopy and soil temperature by analytical inversion of Eq 1 in [Norman1995] of two directional radiometric observations. Ignoring shawows. Parameters ---------- F : float Real Leaf (Plant) Area Index. vza_n : float View Zenith Angle during the nadir observation (degrees). vza_f : float View Zenith Angle during the oblique observation (degrees). T_n : float Radiometric temperature in the nadir obsevation (K). T_f : float Radiometric temperature in the oblique observation (K). w_C : float,optional Canopy height to width ratio, use w_C=1 by default. x_LAD : float,optional Chi parameter for the ellipsoildal Leaf Angle Distribution function of Campbell 1988 [default=1, spherical LIDF]. omega0 : float,optional Clumping index at nadir, use omega0=1 by default. Returns ------- T_C : float Canopy temperature (K). T_S : float Soil temperature (K). References ---------- inversion of Eq. 1 in [Norman1995]_ ''' # Convert the input scalars to numpy arrays F, vza_n, vza_f, T_n, T_f, w_C, x_LAD, omega0 = map( np.asarray, (F, vza_n, vza_f, T_n, T_f, w_C, x_LAD, omega0)) # Calculate the fraction of vegetation observed by each angle f_theta_n = calc_F_theta_campbell(vza_n, F, w_C=w_C, Omega0=omega0, x_LAD=x_LAD) f_theta_f = calc_F_theta_campbell(vza_f, F, w_C=w_C, Omega0=omega0, x_LAD=x_LAD) # Solve the sytem of two unknowns and two equations T_S_4 = np.asarray((f_theta_f * T_n**4 - f_theta_n * T_f**4) / (f_theta_f - f_theta_n)) T_C_4 = np.asarray((T_n ** 4 - (1.0 - f_theta_n) * T_S_4) / f_theta_n) T_C_K = np.zeros(T_n.shape) T_S_K = np.zeros(T_n.shape) # Successful inversion i = np.logical_and(T_C_4 > 0, T_S_4 > 0) T_C_K[i] = T_C_4[i]**0.25 T_S_K[i] = T_S_4[i]**0.25 # Unsuccessful inversion T_C_K[~i] = float('nan') T_S_K[~i] = float('nan') return np.asarray(T_C_K, dtype=np.float32), np.asarray(T_S_K, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_T_CS_4SAIL( LAI, lidf, hotspot, Eo_n, Eo_f, L_sky, sza_n, sza_f, vza_n, vza_f, psi_n, psi_f, e_v, e_s): '''Estimates canopy and soil temperature by analytical inversion of 4SAIL (Eq. 12 in [Verhoef2007]_) of two directional radiometric observations. Ignoring shadows. Parameters ---------- LAI : float Leaf (Plant) Area Index. lidf : list Campbell 1988 Leaf Inclination Distribution Function, default 5 degrees angle step. hotspot : float hotspot parameters, use 0 to ignore the hotspot effect (turbid medium). Eo_n : float Surface land Leaving thermal radiance (emitted thermal radiation). at the nadir observation (W m-2). Eo_f : float Surface land Leaving thermal radiance (emitted thermal radiation) at the oblique observation (W m-2). L_dn : float Broadband incoming longwave radiation (W m-2). sza_n : float Sun Zenith Angle during the nadir observation (degrees). sza_f : float Sun Zenith Angle during the oblique observation (degrees). vza_n : float View Zenith Angle during the nadir observation (degrees). vza_f : float View Zenith Angle during the oblique observation (degrees). psi_n : float Relative (sensor-sun) Azimuth Angle during the nadir observation (degrees). psi_f : float Relative (sensor-sun) Azimuth Angle during the oblique observation (degrees). e_v : float broadband leaf emissivity. e_s : float broadband soil emissivity. Returns ------- T_C_K : float Canopy temperature (K). T_S_K : float Soil temperature (K). References ---------- .. [Verhoef2007] Verhoef, W.; Jia, Li; Qing Xiao; Su, Z., (2007) Unified Optical-Thermal Four-Stream Radiative Transfer Theory for Homogeneous Vegetation Canopies, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.45, no.6, pp.1808-1822, based on in Verhoef et al. (2007) ''' # Apply Kirkchoff to work with reflectances instead of emissivities r_s = 1. - e_s r_v = 1. - e_v # Get nadir parameters for the inversion [rdot_star_n, emiss_v_eff_n, emiss_s_eff_n, gamma_sot, emiss_sot] = calc_4SAIL_emission_param(LAI, hotspot, lidf, sza_n, vza_n, psi_n, r_v, r_s) # Calculate the total emission of the surface at nadir observation L_emiss_n = Eo_n - rdot_star_n * L_sky # Get forward parameters for the inversion [rdot_star_f, emiss_v_eff_f, emiss_s_eff_f, gamma_sot, emiss_sot] = calc_4SAIL_emission_param(LAI, hotspot, lidf, sza_f, vza_f, psi_f, r_v, r_s) # Calculate the total emission of the surface at oblique observation L_emiss_f = Eo_f - rdot_star_f * L_sky # Invert 4SAIL to get the BB emission of vegetation and soil H_v = ((emiss_s_eff_n * L_emiss_f - emiss_s_eff_f * L_emiss_n) / (emiss_s_eff_n * emiss_v_eff_f - emiss_s_eff_f * emiss_v_eff_n)) H_S = (L_emiss_n - emiss_v_eff_n * H_v) / emiss_s_eff_n # Invert Stephan Boltzmann to obtain vegetation and soil temperatures T_C_K = (H_v / SB)**0.25 T_S_K = (H_S / SB)**0.25 return np.asarray(T_C_K, dtype=np.float32), np.asarray(T_S_K, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_4SAIL_emission_param( LAI, hotspot, lidf, sza, vza, psi, rho_v, rho_s, tau_v=0.0): '''Calculates the effective surface reflectance, and emissivities for soil and canopy using 4SAIL. Parameters ---------- LAI : float Leaf (Plant) Area Index. hotspot : float hotspot parameters, use 0 to ignore the hotspot effect (turbid medium). lidf : list Campbell 1988 Leaf Inclination Distribution Function, 5 angle step. sza : float Sun Zenith Angle during the nadir observation (degrees). vza : float View Zenith Angle during the nadir observation (degrees). psi : float Relative (sensor-sun) Azimuth Angle during the nadir observation (degrees). psi_f : float Relative (sensor-sun) Azimuth Angle during the oblique observation (degrees). rho_v : float leaf reflectance (1-leaf emissivity). rho_s : float soil emissivity (1-soil emissivity). tau_v : float leaf transmittance (default zero transmittance in the TIR). Returns ------- rdot_star : float surface effective reflectance. emiss_v_eff : float canopy effective emissivity. emiss_s_eff : float soil effective emissivity. gamma_sot : float directional canopy absortivity. emiss_sot : float directional canopy emissivity. References ---------- Equations 5, 11, and 13 in [Verhoef2007]_ ''' # Run 4 SAIL [tss, too, tsstoo, rdd, tdd, rsd, tsd, rdo, tdo, rso, rsos, rsod, rddt, rsdt, rdot, rsodt, rsost, rsot, gamma_sdf, gammas_db, gamma_so] = FourSAIL(LAI, hotspot, lidf, sza, vza, psi, rho_v, tau_v, rho_s) # Eq. 5 in [Verhoef2007]_ gamma_d = 1. - rdd - tdd gamma_o = 1. - rdo - tdo - too # Eq. 13 in [Verhoef2007]_ dn = 1. - rddt - rdd emiss_o = 1. - rdot emiss_d = 1. - rddt rdot_star = rdo + (tdd * (rddt * tdo + rdot * too) / dn) # Get the coefficients from Eq 11 in [Verhoef2007]_ # 2nd element in Eq. 11 [Verhoef2007]_ emiss_v_eff = gamma_o + (gamma_d * (rddt * tdo + rdot * too) / dn) # 3rd element in Eq. 11 [Verhoef2007]_ emiss_s_eff = emiss_o * too + (emiss_d * (tdo + rdd * rdot * too) / dn) # 4th element in Eq. 11 [Verhoef2007]_ gamma_sot = gamma_so + (gamma_sdf * (rddt * tdo + rdot * too) / dn) # 5th element in Eq. 11 [Verhoef2007]_ emiss_sot = emiss_o * tsstoo + tss * \ (emiss_d * (tdo + rdd * rdot * too) / dn) rdot_star, emiss_v_eff, emiss_s_eff, gamma_sot, emiss_sot = map( np.asarray, (rdot_star, emiss_v_eff, emiss_s_eff, gamma_sot, emiss_sot)) return rdot_star, emiss_v_eff, emiss_s_eff, gamma_sot, emiss_sot
[docs]def calc_T_S(T_R, T_C, f_theta): '''Estimates soil temperature from the directional LST. Parameters ---------- T_R : float Directional Radiometric Temperature (K). T_C : float Canopy Temperature (K). f_theta : float Fraction of vegetation observed. Returns ------- flag : float Error flag if inversion not possible (255). T_S: float Soil temperature (K). References ---------- Eq. 1 in [Norman1995]_''' # Convert the input scalars to numpy arrays T_R, T_C, f_theta = map(np.asarray, (T_R, T_C, f_theta)) T_temp = T_R**4 - f_theta * T_C**4 T_S = np.zeros(T_R.shape, np.float32) flag = np.zeros(T_R.shape, np.int32) + F_ALL_FLUXES # Succesfull inversion T_S[T_temp >= 0] = (T_temp[T_temp >= 0] / (1.0 - f_theta[T_temp >= 0]))**0.25 # Unsuccesfull inversion T_S[np.logical_or(T_temp < 0, np.isnan(T_temp))] = 1e-6 flag[np.logical_or(T_temp < 0, np.isnan(T_temp))] = F_INVALID return np.asarray(flag, dtype=np.int32), np.asarray(T_S, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_T_S_4SAIL(T_R, T_C, rdot_star, emiss_v_eff, emiss_s_eff, L_dn=0): '''Estimates canopy temperature from the directional LST using 4SAIL parameters. Parameters ---------- T_R : float Directional Radiometric Temperature (K) T_S : float Soil Temperature (K) rdot_star : float surface effective reflectance emiss_v_eff : float canopy effective emissivity emiss_s_eff : float soil effective emissivity L_dn : float downwelling atmospheric longwave radiance (W m-2) Returns ------- flag : int Error flag if inversion not possible (255). T_S : float Soil temperature (K).''' Hv = met.calc_stephan_boltzmann(T_C) Eo = met.calc_stephan_boltzmann(T_R) Hs = np.asarray((Eo - rdot_star * L_dn - emiss_v_eff * Hv) / emiss_s_eff) flag = np.zeros(T_R.shape) + F_ALL_FLUXES T_S = np.zeros(T_R.shape) # Succesfull inversion T_S[Hs >= 0] = (Hs / SB)**0.25 # Unsuccesfull inversion T_S[Hs < 0] = 1e-6 flag[Hs < 0] = F_INVALID return np.asarray(flag), np.asarray(T_S, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_T_S_series(Tr_K, T_A_K, R_A, R_x, R_S, f_theta, H_S, rho, c_p): '''Estimates soil temperature from soil sensible heat flux and resistance network in series. Parameters ---------- Tr_K : float Directional Radiometric Temperature (K). T_A_K : float Air Temperature (K). R_A : float Aerodynamic resistance to heat transport (s m-1). R_x : float Bulk aerodynamic resistance to heat transport at the canopy boundary layer (s m-1). R_S : float Aerodynamic resistance to heat transport at the soil boundary layer (s m-1). f_theta : float Fraction of vegetation observed. H_S : float Sensible heat flux of the soil (W m-2). rho : float Density of air (km m-3). c_p : float Heat capacity of air at constant pressure (J kg-1 K-1). Returns ------- T_S: float Soil temperature (K). T_C : float Air temperature at the canopy interface (K). References ---------- Eqs. A15-A19 from [Norman1995]_''' # Eq. A.15 Norman 1995 T_AC_lin = (((T_A_K / R_A) + (Tr_K / (f_theta * R_x)) - (((1.0 - f_theta) / (f_theta * R_x)) * H_S * R_S / (rho * c_p)) + H_S / (rho * c_p)) / ((1.0 / R_A) + (1.0 / R_x) + (1.0 - f_theta) / (f_theta * R_x))) # Eq. A.17 Norman 1995 T_e = T_AC_lin * (1.0 + (R_x / R_A)) - H_S * R_x / \ (rho * c_p) - T_A_K * R_x / R_A # Eq. A.16 Norman 1995 Delta_T_AC = ((Tr_K**4 - (1.0 - f_theta) * (H_S * R_S / (rho * c_p) + T_AC_lin)**4 - f_theta * T_e**4) / (4 * f_theta * T_e**3.0 * (1.0 + (R_x / R_A)) + 4.0 * (1.0 - f_theta) * (H_S * R_S / (rho * c_p) + T_AC_lin)**3)) # Eq. A.18 Norman 1995 T_AC = T_AC_lin + Delta_T_AC T_S = T_AC + H_S * R_S / (rho * c_p) return np.asarray(T_S, dtype=np.float32), np.asarray(T_AC, dtype=np.float32)
def _check_default_parameter_size(parameter, input_array): parameter = np.asarray(parameter, dtype=np.float32) if parameter.size == 1: parameter = np.ones(input_array.shape) * parameter return np.asarray(parameter, dtype=np.float32) elif parameter.shape != input_array.shape: raise ValueError( 'dimension mismatch between parameter array and input array with shapes %s and %s' % (parameter.shape, input_array.shape)) else: return np.asarray(parameter, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def calc_resistances(res_form, res_types): '''Calculate the aerodynamic resistances: R_A, R_x and R_S. Parameters ---------- res_form : int Constant specifying which resistance formulation to use: KUSTAS_NORMAN_1999 (0), CHOUDHURY_MONTEITH_1988 (1), MCNAUGHTON_VANDERHURK (2), CHOUDHURY_MONTEITH_ALPHA_1988(3) If the constant is not any of the above then KUSTAS_NORMAN_1999 is used. res_types : Dictionary of dictionaries Dictionary specifying which of the three resistances to calculate. For each resistance to calculate the dictionary must contain a key-value pair with the key being the name of the resistance and value being another dictionary with all the parameters required to calculate the given resistance. Key: R_A R_A Parameters: 'z_T', 'u_friction', 'L', 'd_0', 'z_0H' Key: R_x R_x Parameters: 'u_friction', 'h_C', 'd_0', 'z_0M', 'L', 'F', 'LAI', 'leaf_width', 'res_params' Key: R_S R_S Parameters: 'u_friction', 'h_C', 'd_0', 'z_0M', 'L', 'omega0', 'F', 'leaf_width', 'z0_soil', 'z_u', 'deltaT', 'res_params' Returns ------- R_A: float array or None Aerodyamic resistance to heat transport in the surface layer (s m-1) R_x : float array or None Aerodynamic resistance at the canopy boundary layer (s m-1) R_S: float array or None Aerodynamic resistance at the soil boundary layer (s m-1) ''' R_A = 0 R_x = 0 R_S = 0 u_C = None if res_form not in [KUSTAS_NORMAN_1999, CHOUDHURY_MONTEITH_1988, MCNAUGHTON_VANDERHURK, CHOUDHURY_MONTEITH_ALPHA_1988, HADHIGHI_AND_OR_2015]: res_form = KUSTAS_NORMAN_1999 # Determine which resistances to calculate and get the required parameters if 'R_A' in res_types.keys(): z_T, u_friction, L, d_0, z_0H = \ [res_types['R_A'].get(k) for k in ['z_T', 'u_friction', 'L', 'd_0', 'z_0H']] del res_types['R_A'] calc_R_A = True else: calc_R_A = False if 'R_x' in res_types.keys(): u_friction, h_C, d_0, z_0M, L, LAI, leaf_width, res_params = \ [res_types['R_x'].get(k) for k in ['u_friction', 'h_C', 'd_0', 'z_0M', 'L', 'LAI', 'leaf_width', 'res_params']] del res_types['R_x'] calc_R_x = True else: calc_R_x = False if 'R_S' in res_types.keys(): u_friction, h_C, d_0, z_0M, L, leaf_width, z0_soil, z_u, deltaT, u, rho,\ c_p, f_cover, w_C, res_params, LAI = \ [res_types['R_S'].get(k) for k in ['u_friction', 'h_C', 'd_0', 'z_0M', 'L', 'leaf_width', 'z0_soil', 'z_u', 'deltaT', 'u', 'rho', 'c_p', 'f_cover', 'w_C', 'res_params', 'LAI']] del res_types['R_S'] calc_R_S = True else: calc_R_S = False # Calculate the aerodynamic resistance if calc_R_A: R_A = res.calc_R_A(z_T, u_friction, L, d_0, z_0H) del z_T, z_0H # Calculate soil and canopy resistances if res_form == KUSTAS_NORMAN_1999: if calc_R_x: u_C = wnd.calc_u_C_star(u_friction, h_C, d_0, z_0M, L) # Wind speed is highly attenuated within the canopy volume u_d_zm = wnd.calc_u_Goudriaan(u_C, h_C, LAI, leaf_width, d_0+z_0M) # Vegetation in series with soil, i.e. well mixed, so we use # the landscape LAI R_x = res.calc_R_x_Norman(LAI, leaf_width, u_d_zm, res_params) del u_d_zm if calc_R_S: if u_C is None: u_C = wnd.calc_u_C_star(u_friction, h_C, d_0, z_0M, L) # Clumped vegetation enhanced wind speed for the soil surface u_S = wnd.calc_u_Goudriaan(u_C, h_C, LAI, leaf_width, z0_soil) u_S = np.maximum(u_S, U_S_MIN) R_S = res.calc_R_S_Kustas(u_S, deltaT, params=res_params) elif res_form == CHOUDHURY_MONTEITH_1988: if calc_R_x: u_C = wnd.calc_u_C_star(u_friction, h_C, d_0, z_0M, L) # Vegetation in series with soil, i.e. well mixed, so we use # the landscape LAI R_x = res.calc_R_x_Choudhury(u_C, LAI, leaf_width) del LAI, leaf_width if calc_R_S: R_S = res.calc_R_S_Choudhury(u_friction, h_C, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z0_soil) elif res_form == MCNAUGHTON_VANDERHURK: if calc_R_x: # Vegetation in series with soil, i.e. well mixed, so we use # the landscape LAI R_x = res.calc_R_x_McNaughton(LAI, leaf_width, u_friction) del LAI, leaf_width if calc_R_S: R_S = res.calc_R_S_McNaughton(u_friction) elif res_form == CHOUDHURY_MONTEITH_ALPHA_1988: if calc_R_x: u_C = wnd.calc_u_C_star(u_friction, h_C, d_0, z_0M, L) # Wind speed is highly attenuated within the canopy volume alpha_prime = wnd.calc_A_Goudriaan(h_C, LAI, leaf_width) # Vegetation in series with soil, i.e. well mixed, so we use # the landscape LAI R_x = res.calc_R_x_Choudhury(u_C, LAI, leaf_width, alpha_prime=alpha_prime) del LAI, alpha_prime if calc_R_S: # Clumped vegetation enhanced wind speed for the soil surface alpha_k = wnd.calc_A_Goudriaan(h_C, LAI, leaf_width) R_S = res.calc_R_S_Choudhury(u_friction, h_C, z_0M, d_0, z_u, z0_soil, alpha_k=alpha_k) elif res_form == HADHIGHI_AND_OR_2015: if calc_R_x: u_C = wnd.calc_u_C_star(u_friction, h_C, d_0, z_0M, L) # Wind speed is highly attenuated within the canopy volume u_d_zm = wnd.calc_u_Goudriaan(u_C, h_C, LAI, leaf_width, d_0+z_0M) # Vegetation in series with soil, i.e. well mixed, so we use # the landscape LAI R_x = res.calc_R_x_Norman(LAI, leaf_width, u_d_zm, res_params) del LAI, leaf_width, u_d_zm if calc_R_S: R_S = res.calc_R_S_Haghighi(u, h_C, z_u, rho, c_p, z0_soil=z0_soil, f_cover=f_cover, w_C=w_C) R_A = np.asarray(np.maximum(1e-3, R_A), dtype=np.float32) R_x = np.asarray(np.maximum(1e-3, R_x), dtype=np.float32) R_S = np.asarray(np.maximum(1e-3, R_S), dtype=np.float32) return R_A, R_x, R_S