Source code for pyTSEB.wind_profile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Sep 13 15:50:52 2016
@author: Hector Nieto (

This package contains the main routines for estimating the wind profile above and within a canopy.
It requires the following package.

* :doc:`MO_similarity` for the estimation of adiabatic correctors.

Wind profile functions
* :func:`calc_u_C` [Norman1995]_ canopy wind speed.
* :func:`calc_u_C_star` MOST canopy wind speed.
* :func:`calc_u_Goudriaan` [Goudriaan1977]_ wind speed profile below the canopy.
* :func:`calc_A_Goudriaan` [Goudriaan1977]_ wind attenuation coefficient below the canopy.

import numpy as np

from . import MO_similarity as MO
# List of constants used in wind_profile

# Drag coefficient (Goudriaan 1977)
c_d = 0.2
# Relative turbulence intensity (Goudriaan 1977)
i_w = 0.5
# Von Karman constant
KARMAN = 0.41
# Size of the normalized height bins in Massman wind profile
BIN_SIZE = 0.0001

[docs]def calc_u_C(u_friction, h_C, d_0, z_0M): '''[Norman1995]_ wind speed at the canopy, reformulated to use u_friction Parameters ---------- u_friction : float Wind friction velocity (m s-1). h_C : float canopy height (m). d_0 : float zero-plane displacement height. z_0M : float aerodynamic roughness length for momentum transport (m). Returns ------- u_C : float wind speed at the canop interface (m s-1). References ---------- .. [Norman1995] J.M. Norman, W.P. Kustas, K.S. Humes, Source approach for estimating soil and vegetation energy fluxes in observations of directional radiometric surface temperature, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 77, Issues 3-4, Pages 263-293, ''' # The original equation below has been refolmulated to use u_friction: # u_C = u * log((h_C - d_0) / z_0M)/(log ((z_u - d_0) / z_0M)- Psi_M) u_C = np.log((h_C - d_0) / z_0M) * u_friction / KARMAN return np.asarray(u_C)
[docs]def calc_u_C_star(u_friction, h_C, d_0, z_0M, L=float('inf')): ''' MOST wind speed at the canopy Parameters ---------- u_friction : float friction velocity (m s-1). h_C : float canopy height (m). d_0 : float zero-plane displacement height. z_0M : float aerodynamic roughness length for momentum transport (m). L : float, optional Monin-Obukhov length (m). Returns ------- u_C : float wind speed at the canop interface (m s-1). ''' Psi_M = MO.calc_Psi_M((h_C - d_0) / L) Psi_M0 = MO.calc_Psi_M(z_0M / L) # calcualte u_C, wind speed at the top of (or above) the canopy u_C = (u_friction * (np.log((h_C - d_0) / z_0M) - Psi_M + Psi_M0)) / KARMAN return np.asarray(u_C)
[docs]def calc_u_Goudriaan(u_C, h_C, LAI, leaf_width, z): '''Estimates the wind speed at a given height below the canopy. Parameters ---------- U_C : float Windspeed at the canopy interface (m s-1). h_C : float canopy height (m). LAI : float Efective Leaf (Plant) Area Index. leaf_width : float effective leaf width size (m). z : float heigh at which the windsped will be estimated. Returns ------- u_z : float wind speed at height z (m s-1). References ---------- .. [Norman1995] J.M. Norman, W.P. Kustas, K.S. Humes, Source approach for estimating soil and vegetation energy fluxes in observations of directional radiometric surface temperature, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 77, Issues 3-4, Pages 263-293, .. [Goudriaan1977] Goudriaan (1977) Crop micrometeorology: a simulation study ''' # extinction factor for wind speed a = calc_A_Goudriaan(h_C, LAI, leaf_width) del LAI, leaf_width u_z = u_C * np.exp(-a * (1.0 - (z / h_C))) # Eq. 4.48 in Goudriaan 1977 return np.asarray(u_z)
[docs]def calc_A_Goudriaan(h_C, LAI, leaf_width): ''' Estimates the extinction coefficient factor for wind speed Parameters ---------- h_C : float canopy height (m) LAI : float Efective Leaf (Plant) Area Index leaf_width : float effective leaf width size (m) Returns ------- a : float exctinction coefficient for wind speed through the canopy References ---------- .. [Goudriaan1977] Goudriaan (1977) Crop micrometeorology: a simulation study ''' # Equation in Norman et al. 1995 k3_prime = 0.28 a = k3_prime * LAI**(2. / 3.) * h_C**(1. / 3.) * leaf_width**(-1. / 3.) return np.asarray(a)
[docs]def calc_u_Massman(u_c, h_c, lai, z, canopy_distribution, xi_soil=0.0001, c_d=0.2): '''' Canopy wind speed. From Eq. 11 of [Massman2017]_ and implemented in TSEB by [Nieto2019]_. Parameters ---------- u_c : float Wind speed at the top of the canopy. h_c : float canopy height lai : float Leaf Area Index z : float height above the ground canopy_distribution : array_like relative cummulative canopy distribution function xi_soil : float ground surface roughness length. Default = 0.00101m. c_d : float Equivalent drag coefficient of the individual foliage elements. Default = 0.2. Returns ------- u_z : float Canopy wind speed. References ---------- .. [Nieto2019] Nieto, HĂ©ctor, et al. "Impact of different within-canopy wind attenuation formulations on modelling sensible heat flux using TSEB." Irrigation Science 37.3 (2019): 315-331. .. [Massman2017] W. J. Massman, J. M. Forthofer, M. A. Finney. An Improved Canopy Wind Model for Predicting Wind Adjustment Factors and Wildland Fire Behavior, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Pages 594-603, ''' u_c, h_c, lai, z = map(np.asarray, [u_c, h_c, lai, z]) U_b = calc_U_b(z, h_c, xi_soil) # Eq.6 U_t = calc_U_t(z, lai, h_c, canopy_distribution, xi_soil, c_d_equiv=c_d) # # Eq. 7 u_z = u_c * U_b * U_t return u_z
[docs]def calc_U_b(z, h_c, xi_soil=0.0025): '''' Logarithmic wind profile. Dominant near the ground From Eq. 6 of [Massman2017]_. Parameters ---------- z : float height above the ground h_c : float canopy height xi_soil : float ground surface roughness length. Default = 0.00101m. Returns ------- U_b : float Non dimensional logarithmic wind profile. References ---------- .. [Massman2017] W. J. Massman, J. M. Forthofer, M. A. Finney. An Improved Canopy Wind Model for Predicting Wind Adjustment Factors and Wildland Fire Behavior, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Pages 594-603, ''' z = np.asarray(z) h_c = np.asarray(h_c) z0_soil = xi_soil * h_c u_b = np.zeros(z0_soil.shape) u_b[z > z0_soil] = (np.log(z[z > z0_soil] / z0_soil[z > z0_soil]) / np.log(h_c[z > z0_soil] / z0_soil[z > z0_soil])) return u_b
[docs]def calc_U_t(z, lai, h_c, canopy_distribution, xi_soil=0.0025, c_d_equiv=0.2): '''' hyperbolic cosine wind profile. Dominant near the top of the canopy From Eq. 7 of [Massman2017]_. Parameters ---------- z : float height above the ground lai : float Leaf Area Index h_c : float canopy height canopy_distribution : array_like relative cummulative canopy distribution function xi_soil : float ground surface roughness length. Default = 0.00101m. c_d_equiv : float Equivalent drag coefficient of the individual foliage elements. Default = 0.2. Returns ------- u_t : float Non dimensional hyperbolic cosine wind profile. References ---------- .. [Massman2017] W. J. Massman, J. M. Forthofer, M. A. Finney. An Improved Canopy Wind Model for Predicting Wind Adjustment Factors and Wildland Fire Behavior, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Pages 594-603, ''' upper_limit = z / h_c zeta_h = drag_area_index(lai, c_d_equiv=c_d_equiv) zeta_xi = cummulative_drag_area(lai, canopy_distribution, upper_limit, c_d_equiv=c_d_equiv) u_star_ratio = calc_u_star_ratio(zeta_h, xi_soil) c_surf = 2.0 * u_star_ratio ** 2 # Eq. 9 n = zeta_h / c_surf # Eq. 8 u_t = np.cosh(n * zeta_xi / zeta_h) / np.cosh(n) return u_t
[docs]def calc_u_star_ratio(zeta_h, xi_0_soil): ''' Ratio of friction velocity and wind speed at the canopy height. From Eq. 10 of [Massman2017]_. Parameters ---------- zeta_h : float or array Drag area index xi_0_soil : float or array ground surface roughness length. Default = 0.00101m. Returns ------- u_star_ratio : float or array Ratio of friction velocity and wind speed at the canopy height. References ---------- .. [Massman2017] W. J. Massman, J. M. Forthofer, M. A. Finney. An Improved Canopy Wind Model for Predicting Wind Adjustment Factors and Wildland Fire Behavior, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Pages 594-603, ''' c1 = 0.38 c3 = 15.0 c2 = c1 + KARMAN / np.log(xi_0_soil) u_star_ratio = c1 - c2 * np.exp(-c3 * zeta_h) # Eq 10. return u_star_ratio
[docs]def cummulative_drag_area(lai, foliage_distribution, upper_limit, c_d_equiv=0.2): ''' Cummulative drag area below a normzalized height, from Eq. 4 or 5 in [Massman2017]_. Parameters ---------- lai : array_like Leaf Area Index foliage_distribution : array_like cummulative canopy distribution function upper_limit : array_like Upper heigh normalized value below which the drag area drag_area_distribution will be computed. Default=1, i.e. top of the canopy. c_d_equiv : float drag coefficient Cd described in Eq. 3 of [MassmanXX]_. Default 0.2, 0, 0 Returns ------- zeta_xi : float Cummulative drag area. By default returns the drag area index, see Eq. 4 of [MassmanXX]_. References ---------- .. [Massman2017] W. J. Massman, J. M. Forthofer, M. A. Finney. An Improved Canopy Wind Model for Predicting Wind Adjustment Factors and Wildland Fire Behavior, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Pages 594-603, ''' upper_limit = np.asarray(upper_limit) upper_limit[upper_limit < 0] = 0 upper_limit[upper_limit > 1] = 1 upper_limit = upper_limit / BIN_SIZE upper_limit = np.round(upper_limit).astype(np.int32) zeta_xi = lai * c_d_equiv * foliage_distribution[upper_limit - 1] return np.asarray(zeta_xi)
[docs]def drag_area_index(lai, c_d_equiv=0.2): ''' Cummulative drag area below a normzalized height, from Eq. 4 or 5 in [Massman2017]_. Parameters ---------- lai : float or array Leaf Area Index c_d_equiv : float drag coefficient Cd described in Eq. 3 of [MassmanXX]_. Default 0.2, 0, 0 Returns ------- Zeta_h : float or array Cummulative drag area. By default returns the drag area index, see Eq. 4 of [MassmanXX]_. References ---------- .. [Massman2017] W. J. Massman, J. M. Forthofer, M. A. Finney. An Improved Canopy Wind Model for Predicting Wind Adjustment Factors and Wildland Fire Behavior, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Pages 594-603, ''' zeta_h = lai * c_d_equiv return zeta_h
[docs]def calc_cummulative_canopy_distribution(f_a): '''Calculates the non-dimensional cummulative canopy distribution. From Eq. 1 in [Massman2017]_. Parameters ---------- f_a : float Non-dimensional canopy distribution at a normalized height. Returns ------- f_a : float cummulative canopy density. References ---------- .. [Massman2017] W. J. Massman, J. M. Forthofer, M. A. Finney. An Improved Canopy Wind Model for Predicting Wind Adjustment Factors and Wildland Fire Behavior, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Pages 594-603, ''' f_a = np.asarray(f_a).reshape(-1) f_a_cum = np.zeros(f_a.shape) for i in range(np.size(f_a)): f_a_cum[i] = (np.sum(f_a[:i + 1])) return f_a_cum
[docs]def calc_canopy_distribution(Xi_max, sigma_u, sigma_l): '''Calculates the non-dimensional canopy distribution at a normalized height. From Eq. 1 in [Massman2017]_. Parameters ---------- Xi_max : float Value of the peak distribution. sigma_u : float upper standard deviation. sigma_l : float lower standard deviation. Returns ------- f_a : float non-dimensional foliage density at a normalized height Xi. References ---------- .. [Massman2017] W. J. Massman, J. M. Forthofer, M. A. Finney. An Improved Canopy Wind Model for Predicting Wind Adjustment Factors and Wildland Fire Behavior, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Pages 594-603, ''' f_a = assimetrical_gaussian_distribution(Xi_max, sigma_u, sigma_l) f_a = f_a / np.sum(f_a) return f_a
[docs]def assimetrical_gaussian_distribution(Xi_max, sigma_u, sigma_l, upper_Xi=1): ''' Double assimetrical Gaussian distribution function. From Eq. 2 of [Massman2017]_. Parameters ---------- Xi_max : float Value of the peak distribution. sigma_u : float upper standard deviation. sigma_l : float lower standard deviation. upper_Xi : float Upper heigh normalized value below which the density distribution will be computed. Default=1, i.e. top of the canopy. Returns ------- f_a : array Distribution function at equidisitant bins between 0 and upper_Xi. References ---------- .. [Massman2017] W. J. Massman, J. M. Forthofer, M. A. Finney. An Improved Canopy Wind Model for Predicting Wind Adjustment Factors and Wildland Fire Behavior, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Pages 594-603, ''' heights = np.arange(0, upper_Xi, BIN_SIZE) f_a = np.zeros(heights.shape) upper_dist = np.logical_and(heights >= Xi_max, heights <= 1) f_a[upper_dist] = np.exp(-(heights[upper_dist] - Xi_max) ** 2 / sigma_u ** 2) f_a[~upper_dist] = np.exp(-(Xi_max - heights[~upper_dist]) ** 2 / sigma_l ** 2) return f_a
[docs]def canopy_shape(h_c, h_b, h_max=0.5): ''' Asymmetrical Gaussian foliage distribution. Parameters ---------- h_c : float Top of the canopy height h_b : float Height of the first living branch. h_max: float Relative position between h_c and h_b where the maximum foliage density occurs, default=0-5, i.e. peak occurs at the middle of the canopy (~spherical canopy) Returns ------- Xi_max : float Value of the peak distribution sigma_u : float upper standard deviation. sigma_l : float lower standard deviation. References ---------- .. [Massman2017] W. J. Massman, J. M. Forthofer, M. A. Finney. An Improved Canopy Wind Model for Predicting Wind Adjustment Factors and Wildland Fire Behavior, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Pages 594-603, ''' # Use relative units xi_max = (h_max * (h_c - h_b) + h_b) / h_c h_b = h_b / h_c # Lower standar deviation sigma_l = (xi_max - h_b) / 2.0 # Uper standar deviation sigma_u = (1.0 - xi_max) / 2.0 return xi_max, sigma_u, sigma_l